The Western Omelette

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There is a "50's diner" in I think Wixom MI.. I not only TOOK my RV there (Sort of) but Bought it there (Sort of) Used to be across the road from the RV dealer I bought it at. (hence the Sort of) Take the rig in for minor service. Hike across to Breakfast.
We used to live down the street from the one in Arvada, which has since closed. It was always a fun meal. Where are they, now?
The one I still see is in the shopping center at CO Hwy 7 and Washington/I-25, by the Village Inn. The web also shows one at 8266 W Bowles Ave, Littleton, and one at 5490 E Woodmen Rd, Colorado Springs. There also seems to be one at 301 W 104th Ave, Northglenn, which I think I've driven past a time or two.
If you near Colorado Springs
The last time I was in that area was when I was stationed at Ft. Carson, just after Vietnam. Early 1971. Normally ate in the mess halls. Food was lousy there compared to Ft. Lewis, WA (before I went to Vietnam).

Great view of 14, 107' elevation Pike's Peak from there at Ft. Carson. And a great view of 14,410' elevation Mt. Rainer from Ft. Lewis.

I can see Mt. Rose, NV from out my Window right here, 10,776'. I often hike there in the summer.

View of Lake Tahoe from Mt. Rose (& my 2020 Esse Esse 9 electric motorcycle):


-Don- Reno, NV
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