Thermopane Windows

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New member
Sep 13, 2005
My panes are fogged. My local auto glass shop doesn't seem to want to fool with them. Has anyone replaced their coach windows? Does anyone recommend a shop for this? Winne Luxor in upstate SC. Any cost ideas?
I had no problem getting an auto glass store to replace a side window on our prior coach. Having watched what they did, it was a simple operation I could have done myself, but my insurance company was paying for it. Here's the simplified version of the process:

  • Unscrew the inside part of the window frame (from inside the RV). The screws will go straight through to the outer frame to sandwich the body of the RV and hold the outer frame against the body of the RV. You might want to have someone hold the window in place outside the RV, but the old caulk will probably hold it.
  • Remove the outer frame (that holds the glass) from the outside of the RV. You'll need to remove the caulk behind the frame &/or carefully prise off the frame to get it off.
  • Remove any remaining caulk from the body of the RV.
  • Apply caulk to the new window frame and insert it from the outside.
  • Have someone hold it in place while you go inside and insert the inner part of the frame and screw the two halves together.

Do you have a source for the new windows?
You don't need an auto glass shop - in fact, a home type window installer probably has more relevent expereince, especially someone who deals in mobile home window installations. Or do it yourself, as Tom suggests.

Most Rv windows are manufactured by Hehr. Here's a couple sources for replacements:
Tom....Thanks for the info. RV Roamer just gave me 2 sources for the windows. If you know of others, let me know. Thanks to all.
Here's one:  but I'm not sure if they sell direct to the public. You could, however, email them and ask if they could give you the name of the nearest outfit that sells them.

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