Things to See and Do in Tennessee?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2012
Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Hi folks,

We're planning a March Break trip from Ontario to Tennessee this year, so I thought I'd solicit some "must do's" from the forum! We are already planning a Memphis stop (Graceland) and Nashville (Opry), but the rest of the time is open right now.

Try to do Grand Old Opry when it's at the Ryman. If you can't you should stilli visit the Ryman.
I've only been to TN once - to Memphis on a business trip. I enjoyed strolling up and down Beale Street at night. It can get a bit loud at times (there are a ton of bars) but there are usually a couple of live jazz and/or blues bands playing in the streets which I found very entertaning. My one regret about the visit was not buying a CD from any of the bands.
We live in middle Tennessee and our favorite places to go are the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in East TN and Fall Creek Falls State park which is a little closer.  Most of the state parks are very nice. 

Everyone has different interests, so it would help to know what kind of things you like to do.  We love outdoors and don't care much for the cities most of the time.  Memphis has a fantastic zoo.  The Nashville zoo is ok, but nothing like the one in Memphis.  If you are into Civil war sites, you can visit Shiloh while in the Memphis area and  the Stones River Battlefield in the center part of the state.  Loretta Lynn has a campground/dude ranch that is interesting and there is the Bell Witch Cave in Adams, TN (not far from Nashville).  And there is the Parthenon in Nashville that has an amazing statue of Athena.  Both cities have museums, restaurants and music. 

Thanks for all the great ideas, folks!

The Opry and Ryman are definitely on my list, as is Graceland if I can convince the family to go as far as Memphis. Would LOVE to hang out on Beale St if I could to listen to the music. Likely not a very kid-friendly activity though - mine are 15 and 11......

The Gibson guitar factory tour would be another personal win - I think my wife would have to drag me bodily out of the factory store to prevent (another) guitar purchase!

All in, we're hoping to have about 6 days in TN, so will likely look at splitting the time between Nashvillle and Memphis. Sadly without our RV, as March is decidedly iffy weather for Ontario.  :( Oh well, next time!

I think you mean #7 if you're talking about JD. Also there are lots of wineries to visit.
Bluebird Cafe, south of downtown Nashville.  In a strip mall. Songwriters play acoustic music showing their wares.  Awesome! Some famous songwriters and musicians have played there. No admission, but they like you to purchase some food or drinks.  I would not go to Nashville without stopping there.  Have a great trip

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