Thoughts on this motorhome?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2013
Metro St. Louis
We've looked at a dozen in the past week.  There are 2, possibly 3 strong contenders.  An older (1993) Class C, one owner, a 1997 Damon Daybreak with 30000 miles (very nice, needs tires, batteries) and this:

Any thoughts on this one?  We're going to look at it tonight.  Damon versus Hurricane?  One better than the other?  Damon has Chevy in it, Hurricane has Ford.
:) Looks nice.... It looks like a cover has been on it(one pic. of inside of coach), that' a plus in my book.  8)

Good luck
nuttyzoomzoom said:
Damon versus Hurricane?  One better than the other?  Damon has Chevy in it, Hurricane has Ford.
Once again you can't really compare one brand against another in a used rig. IMHO floorplan, condition and price are way more important that the name of the manufacturer. Both Damon and Hurricane make great rigs but with a 16 year old coach how well it was treated is far more important. I live in a Damon and I like it but very few people on this forum would have experience with both coach manufacturers.

The Hurricane looks like a good deal to me.
Good looking rig.  I agree with Tom (Seiler).  Damon and Hurricane would both be considered "budget oriented", but nothing wrong with either brand per se.
Well phooey.  Guy on the Hurricane just called.  Someone called last night about it, went and looked at it just now, put a deposit down.  Owner said they came to a deal, guy's coming back Friday to test drive.  I get seconds if it doesn't sell for some reason.  Wish he had told me that this afternoon when I called, we were literally 3 minutes from walking out the house to drive an hour to see this.

Easy come, easy go.  :( :(
Janel, when they get away, it wasn't meant to be. Don't let these owners pressure you into buying. There's one with your name on it, ya just got to find it. I like the Damon coachs too. I personally don't like the TV made into the dash like some coachs have, and I wouldn't buy one with that feature. Some Damons have them that way too.
92GA said:
Jane, when they get away, it wasn't meant to be. Don't let these owners pressure you into buying. There's one with your name on it, ya just got to find it. I like the Damon coachs too. I personally don't like the TV made into the dash like some coachs have, and I wouldn't buy one with that feature. Some Damons have them that way too.
I don't like those built in televisions either, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. mauve, however, is.
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