Tierra Del Sol Desert Safari

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New member
Feb 25, 2013
Anyone make it to TDS? It was my first year, and first time to Ocotillo Wells.  I must say the terrain is interesting.  We arrived about 8a.m Sat. morning and made a run on the Calcite Mine trail for starters and then just explored the area throughout the rest of the day. At sunset I headed back home, all in all a awesome, but long day. Next year I hope to camp out for the 3 days.
I was looking for this.  I had inquired on another thread if this event was still being held.  Glad to see that it is.  I attended this event in 1970 when my little girl was only about 5 months old.  No videoes as that kinf of equipment was not invented then.  Hope I live long enough and I can get the money to attend one last time.  I had a lot of fun
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