Tire pressure monitors

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I had read some of the posts regarding monitoring tire pressure.  I was concerned because someone said that if your toad had a flat you might not hear it or see it until your toad had gone up in flames. Our MH has the rearview camera with sound so would the tire pressure monitors be necessary?  We seem to be running into additional costs everytime we turn around--you would think that MH's would come with all the necessary equipment!  What do you advise?  Kay
Unfortunately one would probably not see or feel any indication of a flat tire, from slow leak or blow out, on a toad and the first indication would most likely be flames and smoke if at all.  The more likely scenario if you become aware of a tire problem on a toad being pulled behind a motorhome would be that a passing motorist points out to you that you have a problem IF they are able to get you attention and make you understand with hand signals.

This has been a concern with us since we began RVing and I have been looking for an acceptable reliable system.  Turns out the only two systems that I felt worth considering was the SmartTire and the Pressure Pro.  The Pressure Pro will accomplish the results I desire at about 1/3 he cost of the Smart Tire installed.
As in most things in life, there are many things that are "nice to have" but not necessary to exist.  And as we all know, those "nice to have" things are usually expensive.

A Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is a form of insurance - it will advise you of an impending problem before expensive damage occurs.  You may not ever need it, but it is comforting to have.  You can accomplish much of the benefits of a TPMS b checking your tire pressures frequently, e.g. every morning before starting out and making visual checks at fuel and lunch stops. But we humans often forget, whereas the TPMS is always on duty.

Speaking from experience, you will NOT know if you have a tire failure on the toad unless someone brings it to your attention, as Ron says.  We did have blowout on the toad, and it was only a passing motorist that got our attention that saves us from a possibly disastrous result.  We also had an inside dual go flat on the motorhome and didn't know it until we actually looked at the tire.  This was caught while parked, but it could have happened as easily while travelling with, again, disastrous results.  We now have a Pressure Pro system monitoring all 10 tires all the time, even when parked.
Okay, I am convinced.  Guess I will go to the Tire Pro web site and see how much this will cost me!  We were towing a 1990 Jeep Wrangler, but just traded in my car for a 2004 Jeep Cherokee yesterday--will use it as my home car and our toad--and sure don't want to risk having it go up in flames!  However, the Tire Pro will probably have to wait until we get the Wrangler sold.  Don't think I can AFFORD to keep reading the posts on this website--they keep causing us to spend more money!  Just teasing, we have found this forum to be very informative and helpful.  Thanks, Kay
I would suggest you contact one of our members, Bernie Dobrin, for a price on the Pressure Pro system.  He's a dealer and is who we, and some other here, bought our systems from.
Guess I will go to the Tire Pro web site and see how much this will cost me! 

I agree with Ned's recommendation.  Just send Bernie a PM I'm sure he will respond.  I just bought mine this week from Bernie.  Now it is installed and ready to go.
RREngr said:
I had read some of the posts regarding monitoring tire pressure.  I was concerned because someone said that if your toad had a flat you might not hear it or see it until your toad had gone up in flames. Our MH has the rearview camera with sound so would the tire pressure monitors be necessary?

I can speak from experience, as we had a toad left front tire failure. In our case there was no fire. It went down to rim and then more in a very short time. The entire front left wheel assembly had to be replaced! And some body work!

The cost of this repair was much greater than the Pressure Pro system, plus we had the interuption to our travel while the car was repaired.

You will not know from feel, while driving. The rear camera is not an answer. You are too busy to watch the camera monitor all the time and its too dangerous.  Also, with a black and white camera you probably would  not see fire. That is an argument for having a color camera and monitor.

We now have the Pressure Pro system and it does work, as its given me two alarms.

Bob, Dutch Star with Honda EX Toad
Thanks for the examples of ways the Pressure Pro can help.  We will be contacting Bernie for more info and following your lead.  Hope we can make it to Quartsite so we can thank all of you in person for all your help.  Kay & Rich
RREngr said:
Thanks for the examples of ways the Pressure Pro can help.? We will be contacting Bernie for more info and following your lead.? Hope we can make it to Quartsite so we can thank all of you in person for all your help.? Kay & Rich

We hope you can make QZ rally too.  Would sure like to meet you in person.
I am new to the forum. Can someone tell me how to reach Bernie. I want to get set up on the Pressure Pro system.

Bernie will see you your message and will send you a private message or an email.
It might be a couple days to hear from Bernie since they are in Death Valley and may not have a internet connection and I don't think cell phones work well there either.  I am sure he will get in touch as soon as he sees your message.
I too would be interested in purchasing this pressure montitoring system from Bernie.  ;D

Do I post a general message on this forum or do I send a personal message to him and if so how do I do so?

Thanks for the help!
Bernie will see your message and contact you privately. No need to post another message.
Phaeton said:
Do I post a general message on this forum or do I send a personal message to him and if so how do I do so?

Thanks for the help!


Check you private messages for a reply
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