tire pressure

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Active member
Jan 4, 2012
I have a c class MH with General Ameri550 8.75 16.5 tires. The load rating is D and max tire pressure is 65psi. I damaged a tire and went to my tire shop to replace. My tire pressure sticker on the drivers door is not readable. The MH is an 84 I've only had it a year. I've been running the pressure at 55psi. When I went to the tire shop.  I asked what pressure should be run. He said you should run the D rated max 65psi tires at 65psi. Is this true?

Hard to say if that pressure is required, but you wouldn't be wrong to use it.  At worst it may be a bit rougher riding than necessary. We would need to know the actual load (weight) carried by the tire vs the load rating shown on the sidewall to have a better idea. The "fine print" embossed on the tire should say something like "xxx lbs at 65 psi" (assuming that 65 psi is indeed its max rating).  Do you know the axle weight ratings or, better yet, the actual weight of your RV, front and rear?

A typical 8.75x16.5 Load Range D will be rated for 2405 lbs (singles) and 2095 lbs (duals) at 65 psi.  If your weights are anywhere  close to that, run the 65 psi. If your actual loads are 15% or more less that that, you might run a bit less, maybe 60 or even 55 psi, but I would not go under the 65 psi without having weight data.
I'd have to look at those numbers. But I think I would be better off running pressure at the max like you said. We travel loaded with kids, bikes, water ect. I'd rather forgo a better ride and be safe.

When you replace your tiers I would upgrade to load range E. Maney class C RVs are built on van chassies and come with load range D tiers. I would definatley get your rig weighed so you know where you are.
I looked into tires and the only tires available are a E load range 80psi max by Firestone.


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