Tire Safety

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Home is where we park it
The Goodyear web site provides some very good information on tire care, proper inflation, and how to weigh your RV.? Oh for anybody buying G670RV tires between 1 May 2006 and 30 August 2007 be sure to take advantage of the rebate offer.? Could be worth up to $120.? Inflation tables are also provided.


I have in the past suggested viewing the Michelin Videos and still do but the information available on the Goodyear sight is also very informative and might not only save you some money but also save your life.

Oh by the way when you visit the site be sure to watch the pictures of RVers you will see one of our very well known members there. :D

I have no idea.  I was checking the Goodyear site and was surprised to see JF looking at me. ;D ;D ;)  Hope he will jump in with some details. Pretty informative site on tire care and etc.

Okay the Goodyear site says sitting for over 6 months without rotating is not good on tires. By the time we leave the job site we're on it will have been almost a year with the trailer only being moved once. The tires have covers on them however. Is this site saying I'll have to buy new tires when we leave?? How do we know they're not just trying to sell tires??
Hi Ho:  I recently tried to buy Good Year tires for the old motorhome and noticed the date code was almost 2 years old for "new" tires.  So I called Good Year and was told that because of the relatively low volume for RV tires they manufacture new tires only every few years.  So, the moral to the story is to check the date code when you buy Good Year.  (As a result we ended up buying Michelin)  It was not because we wanted to as the Good Year tires had performed well and we had a spare that was almost unused, which had to be replaced with a new tire.  Oh, well.
I won't challenge what your dealer told you, but I bought six brand new Goodyear  G670 RV 275/70R22.5's  last June that were two months old, and I specified the tires were not to be older than 90 days old from the dealer. Now this was a pretty decent size truck tire operation, too.

My first suspicion is that your guy did not move a lot of tires and was stuck with some older ones, or wanted to stick you with them.

Then again, if you are in an odd size, that might explain it.

And then I traded the motorhome thirty days later...  :'(
skyking4ar2 said:
And then I traded the motorhome thirty days later...  :'( 

There was/is a disease that tends to be rampant in this forum, new tires and a short time later, new RV.  It has been a while and I thought it was no longer active.    :)
I bought six brand new Goodyear G670 RV 275/70R22.5's  last June that were two months old, and I specified the tires were not to be older than 90 days old from the dealer. Now this was a pretty decent size truck tire operation, too.

Ditto.  It's amazing how you can get "really" new tires if you specify the age you're willing to accept and tell them you will not accept anything older.  That's what we did too.  I agree with Skyking that the dealer probably doesn't sell many RV tires and that's why they were old.  As for the Goodyear rep, what a bunch of hogwash.  He didn't know what he was talking about.  When you're spending that kind of money you don't need to deal with someone like that.  Also, we love the Goodyear RV tires - a very nice ride.

Here is a reference from the RMA. It?s basically a generic publication without reference to any particular manufacturer or brand.

I?m just providing chapter 4 which is all about RVs.

Like almost all publications of this type there are a few deviations from other documents. It?s mostly because of the way a writer will word phrases that will make them look different or even in error.

I for one do not think motorized RV tires should be categorized right along with RV trailer tires. Even if the trailer tires happen to be of the same design. In fact, there is a smallish sentence that states ST tires should never be replaced with anything other than another like item.

There is one error/omission that stood out more to me than others. RV trailer axles will be certified by their individual manufacturer who will affix an identification plate/tag to them. The RV trailer manufacturer does not have to use the axle manufacturer?s load rating. It cannot be exceeded but less is ok. It is becoming very common to find axles rated by their manufacturer at, say, 7000# but certified by the vehicle manufacturer at something less. So, the only place to verify a trailers GAWR is on the vehicle?s certification label.



p.s. Or a foot note. When using air pressure to fit the loaded axles it is never going to be recommended to use less than what is depicted on the vehicle?s labeling information. That statement is in the reference and is almost always argued by those reading tire manufacturers information. 
All tire manufacturers make them in batches of thousands - it isn't economic to do it any other way. So a popular tire size gets a batch made every few weeks or months, whereas a little-used size may only get made every several months - or possibly even more in some cases. Tire sizes that are used only on motorhomes may in fact not ne made very often, but sizes that are shared with trucks and buses get manufactured all the time. So it's NOT a case of Good year only making them once a year - or that RV tires are only made once a year. Instead, the build frequency depends on the specific size.  Further, tire dealers don't stock quantities of odd-size tires - they can get them from the manufacturer's warehouse in 1-2 days. So you get what the warehouse has and that depends on when in the batch cycle you happen to buy. If you can't get fresh tires this week, maybe you can get them in another month or so.
I find this line fascinating , but being fairly new to RV'ing, I'd really like some opinions on whether I'm going to have to replace my tires because I've been sitting for over 6 months without moving the trailer.  The tires were new last year and have been covered. I try to keep the psi up on them.

I cannot speak to trailer tires so much, not having a trailer, but I have stopped in the motorhome for as long as five months, and never give it a thought. Tires as new as yours, still would never give it a thought.

But I do know that trailer tire people have different issues than my big tires, and I see trailer tires blown way more than I see motorhome tires blown. I'd have to read that article you are quoting and get far better logic than I am seeing here to change my mind. Can you post a link to that reference?

You asked for an opinion, that's mine.
Hi Ho:  My statement wasn't that I talked with a dealer who didn't have any new tires that were built recently, but that the factory made that statement.  I couldn't find any relatively new tires in the size I needed anywhere that were less than a year old and neither could the factory.  Of course, this may not hold for all sizes, and you may hit a time slot when new tires were just produced.  It is just a "heads up" that new tires aren't necessarily new.

The guy at the factory did tell me that the tires were kept in a warehouse at the correct temperature out of the sun...yada, yada.  Anyway, I ended up buying Michelin and paying more because I wanted a spare the same size.    So I ended up getting 7 rather than 6.

I like the Goodyear tires just fine, but don't want tires that old before I even get them mounted.
When I was a teenager, my first job was working in an off-airport parking lot that shuttled passengers too and from the airport. The manager of the place was a bit casual about tire condition and maintenance. The shuttles ran about 120 miles per shift, and sometimes ran three shifts a day, so they had a LOT of use.

He got a lot more picky about tire safety after a tire blew when a shuttle was doing about 50mph. Fortunately, the van was a dually and the driver maintained control, but the tread was flung through a passenger window of a competitor's van. It smashed the window, bent the sheet metal around the window, damaged the frame of a seat, and put a dent in the competitor's van's roof. It was pure, sheer, dumb luck nobody was hurt.

I'm very glad to hear people here take tire safety seriously!
I bet the occupant(s) of the other van needed fresh laundry though. :eek: This thread reminded me to check our tires, the trailer has not moved since September.

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