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My dual axle TT weighs about 4800 dry that I pull with my Ram 1500 Hemi. What load range tire should I purchase? I also want to get quotes on three brands, any suggestions?
What's on it? What does the trailer say to use? has great information as well, Maxxis tires are often rated great, and you might find this interesting
That smaller trailer is not in need of over the top performance, just a good tire. It likely will age out after 7 years than wear out with high mileage.
You don't choose a load range out of context - you need to identify the tire size and the weight carrying capacity needed. And unloaded weight isn't helpful - the axles and tires need the be able to carry the fully loaded weight.
The tires on each axle are supposed to be rated for carrying the max load on that axle. For example, if the axle is rated for 3000 lbs, then the tires need to be rated for at least 1500 lbs each.
Empty weight in meaningless. Calculations should be based on the trailer's GVWR. The tire size/load range recommended by the trailer manufacturer or better is your target.
One slight modification to what Bruce said: The axles & tires on a travel trailer carry 90% of the GVWR, not the entire amount. By design (and federal law) the tires must be able to support the max axle weight (GAWR) and the axles must be able to support at least 90% of the GVWR. Most TT's are designed to that minimum requirement.