The first think you have to know is that TIVO is a brand of digital video recorder with a built in TV tuner
It is not a Sattalite receiver. Though some sattalite receivers do come with built in digital video recorders
Usually they are NOT TiVo They are "off brand" (there are two name brands, TiVo and Replay, as usuall RePlay, like Curad in self adheisave bandages, is the better one.. But we still call self adheavisave bandages BAND-AIDS (which is the other brand) even if they are 3-M or Curad or some other manafacturer)
Direct TV requires a dual LNB with dual feed, RV units come with a stacker/de-stacker so the dual feed can be "Stacked" on one cable, You do not put ANYTHING in this cable, nothing at all, it is a straight cable from the antenna to the destacker
DISH does it differently, I don't know if they use dual or not but the de-stacker, if needed, is built into the receiver
Your TiVO or Replay or digital tv card in your computer, goes AFTER the sattalite receiver.. A line drawing folloos
Note, once you are past the destacker you can have multiple receivers,,, But only one Tivo/Replay/Etc per receiver
And though you can have multiple TV's down stream of the DVR (Digital video recorder) all will have to watch the same program
Now, with Replay (And, I understand the newest TiVos) you can have multiple tv's and multiple recorders and watch a show on a TV connected to a DIFFERENT recorder than the one it was recorded on... Digital sure is fun (PS. I do that with replay all the time here at home, 3 replays (plus one Computer DVR) and I can watch any show recorded on any replay on any tv, or any show recorded ANYWHERE on any computer. With a bit of work I can watch computer recorded shows on the replays too, not possible with TIVO as far as I know at this time)