Well-known member
There seems to be a lot of questions concerning brakes and brake requirements for toads. I drive a Class C on a Ford E350 chassis with the 6.2 liter V10 and tow a Ford Focus using a Master Tow dolly (no brakes). I've been using this combination for a year now with no problems. I've traveled in snowy weather, heavy traffic and open road without a hitch (pun intended). I use the haul/tow setting on the transmission and try to leave plenty of room between me and the vehicle in front, although there is always some idiot who thinks you can stop an RV like a car. I was concerned about the varying state laws regarding brakes and toads. In researching on the web I found the following site with a simple table listing the states and brake weight requirements for trailers: I checked out some of the states and found they don't have a classification for toads so I can only assume they fall under the trailer laws. Anyway happy RVing everyone and drive safely.