After several years of 5th wheeling I finally retired and got the diesel pusher I'd always dreamed of. Now I'm looking at wiring a 2011 Tahoe as a toad vehicle. Was trying to avoid a $64 blue ox wiring kit and was looking to purchase some cheap 6 amp 3 pole diodes. Only ones I've found have been the ones made for blue ox and run about $15 each,(guess they want you to buy their kit). If now one knows of a cheaper source will using a two 6amp double pole diodes work, wiring the out ends together going to the light and the 2 IN ends for the Tahoe wiring and the MH wiring. These diodes can be had for less than a $1.00. Any help would be great. I've found the diesel pusher life if full of expense so I'm trying to save a dollar when I can and doing the work myself. When I was working I cringed every time a had someone tell me they are on a Fixed income, but you guessed it, I,m on a Fixed income now!