toad wiring

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
After several years of 5th wheeling I finally retired and got the diesel pusher I'd always dreamed of. Now I'm looking at wiring a 2011 Tahoe as a toad vehicle. Was trying to avoid a $64 blue ox wiring kit and was looking to purchase some cheap 6 amp 3 pole diodes. Only ones I've found have been the ones made for blue ox and run about $15 each,(guess they want you to buy their kit). If now one knows of a cheaper source will using a two 6amp double pole diodes work, wiring the out ends together going to the light and the 2 IN ends for the Tahoe wiring and the MH wiring. These diodes can be had for less than a $1.00. Any help would be great. I've found the diesel pusher life if full of expense so I'm trying to save a dollar when I can and doing the work myself. When I was working I cringed every time a had someone tell me they are on a Fixed income, but you guessed it, I,m on a Fixed income now!
A diode is a diode is a diode. If properly oriented (cathode/anode) and properly terminated a diode with the proper voltage and current rating will work.
I don't understand why you are looking for 6 Amp diodes. A 3157A taillight/brakelight draws about 2.1 amps.
Also, diodes in-line with lights do cause a slight decrease in brightness. (penalty of about 0.5V drop across a forward biased PN junction.)
Be advised some modern vehicles solidstate computer controlled/monitored vehicle lighting systems may not work well with diode packs and installation can void vehicle warranties.
Some RVers go the route of wiring in and installing another lamp in the taillight housing to avoid this.
You might do a search on this site from the home page for "toad lights" or "towed lights" for solutions and comments by other RV owners.
Good luck, many here understand "fixed income".
huntnski said:
After several years of 5th wheeling I finally retired and got the diesel pusher I'd always dreamed of. Now I'm looking at wiring a 2011 Tahoe as a toad vehicle. Was trying to avoid a $64 blue ox wiring kit and was looking to purchase some cheap 6 amp 3 pole diodes. Only ones I've found have been the ones made for blue ox and run about $15 each,(guess they want you to buy their kit). If now one knows of a cheaper source will using a two 6amp double pole diodes work, wiring the out ends together going to the light and the 2 IN ends for the Tahoe wiring and the MH wiring. These diodes can be had for less than a $1.00. Any help would be great. I've found the diesel pusher life if full of expense so I'm trying to save a dollar when I can and doing the work myself. When I was working I cringed every time a had someone tell me they are on a Fixed income, but you guessed it, I,m on a Fixed income now!

Go to a local NAPA auto  parts store and explain your problem. They sell a trailer wiring harness adaptor to do just what you want. I have purchased one in the past and installed it on one of our older toads.
Roadmaster sells lighting diode kits as well, with a great amp rating, but they aren't cheap either. Their custom diode are handy, though. Sealed in a weathertite case and ready to just clip in. Even has a heat sink for possibly high amp loads. I think they run about $10 each at discount places.

I've bought 3 amp diodes at Radio Shack for about $1 each.  Wire them together as needed.
Adding to Gary's comment, here's a source for the Roadmaster "Hy Power" diodes; $20 for 2. Note that this is actually 4 diodes, which is what you'd need. If you bought separate diodes at, say Radioshack,.
The diodes aren't what make the kit expensive or complicated, it's the connectors, the wire, the fuses or breakers, the potted enclosure, and testing the whole thing to be sure it works.

If you just want diodes you can get them shipped to your door, in any voltage and current rating you want, from Digi-key.  They'll sell you one, two, four, or 40,000.

I bought a Roadmaster diode kit, normally $94 at Camping. Then later I bought the entire Roadmaster towing system which included the diode kit I already bought and can't return. If you are interested email me at [email protected] and maybe we can help each other. :)

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