Today's Birthday Greetings!

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Bob Maxwell

Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
Holbrook, Arizona
Todays's Birthday Greetings are for three men that I have admired since the first time I read their messages or in the case of one saw his big smile at Centermost One.

George Mullen -We would not, we could not be the framily we are or the servants to RVing without you. We count on you. When you are gone, I sit here waiting to see who will write the first, "Where's George?" message. It never takes long. I count on you. You are all ways there for me and I know the you and Jean have and will be there in prayer for me and my ministry. The Commander & I have the same CIC.

Frank Barbera -Never has a person that never writes messages impacted so many people for so many years. His good sense was shown in marying Barbara. His caring and smarts made him "the ladies man" with a gleam and a smile as he presented each one of them with the piece of jewelry he had handcrafted just for them. I miss you Frank.

Joel Myers -any RVer that will take the limited vacation time they have to fly from the east coast and stay in a rented room connected to the laundry for a major framily rally gets my admiration and respect. And Joel & Camille have fun! His knowledge of tent campers is given whenever needed and I'm sure the 5w community will soon benefit as they gain experience as well.

Happy Birthday!

Let me add my birthday wishes to Bob's. ?And thank you, Bob, for keeping track of things we often overlook, like birthdays. ?Even more impressive is under what conditions you're communicating with us right now. ?Here's our wish for a speedy recovery and quick return home.
I'll add my wishes also, and thank Bob for keeping us straight.

Pat & I would like to join you in wishing these three great individuals a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May you all have many more!!!

Thanks for the heads-up Bob.? I add my birthday greetings to yours and the rest of the posters.? HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE, FRANK AND JOEL!  8)
Hi Folks,

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, and especially to my good friend Box Maxwell for starting this thread.  Only one hiccup: Joel, Frank and I (and the late Albert Einstein) celebrate our birthdays on March 14, not March 13.  :)  For what it's worth, yesterday I celebrated the 34th anniversary of my 35th birthday.

For Bob: get well soon, my friend.  You have been in our prayers
I'm a few hours early, but tomorrow is a repeat of the first posting in theis string of a year ago. Why waste a new topic? These men wouldn't.

Happy Birthday George, Frank and Joel!!
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the birthday greetings.  Finally getting out of the 60's and joing the 70's gang. :)

Best regards,
Ned said:
Even more impressive is under what conditions you're communicating with us right now.  Here's our wish for a speedy recovery and quick return home.

Oh my, Ned, is Bob in hospital again?  If that news was in a thread, I missed it.  So for Bob, hopefully reading this post sometime, I too wish you a speedy recovery and a return home healthy.


That post was from 2005 when Bob was in the hospital.  However, I still wish him good health this year too.

And happy birthday to the birthday boys too, all good friends of ours.
That post was from 2005 when Bob was in the hospital.  However, I still wish him good health this year too.

Glad to hear that that is old news--and of course, I too wish him continued good health.


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