Tom Eastbound FLA

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Jan 13, 2005

Four couples have reservations for the Monaco rally in Orlando January 21-25. Three of the couples have reservations at TGO for a week starting January 26 and may be joined by others.
Three of the couples have reservations at TGO for a week starting January 26 and may be joined by others.

That's exciting news!  We'll be looking forward to the visit.  There is a slight chance we may have to be away for a few days by we don't know when at thsi point.  We'll know in the next few days when in January we'll have to run an important errand.  Will keep you posted.
OK thanks Steve. You know we're coming all that way to see you and, if you're not there .....
Hi Ron. We plan a stop in TX to visit some friends - about an hour south of Dallas. I'll email you with our itinerary.
Tom said:
Hi Ron. We plan a stop in TX to visit some friends - about an hour south of Dallas. I'll email you with our itinerary.

If you plan on stopping in the Phoenix area, give us a call also.
BernieD said:
If you plan on stopping in the Phoenix area, give us a call also.

Will do Bernie, thanks. I need to get working on the schedule to fill in more details.
Tom said:
Hi Ron. We plan a stop in TX to visit some friends - about an hour south of Dallas. I'll email you with our itinerary.

Looking forward to meeting up with you in Tx if at all possible.
Looks like Ron split these messages out into their own topic  ;D  You know, we don't plan our trips in detail and prefer to get up in the morning, flip a coin to decide if we stay or move on and, if the latter, we stick a pin in the map.

We'll be spending Christmas at our daughter's place in Nevada City, two hours from here. Since I'm allergic to their cats, we'll be overnighting in their 5th wheel at the side of the house. Then we head home to pick up the coach and hopefully leave for a few days in Vegas with a couple of other forumites who have lots there.

We'll spend the new year in Laughlin, NV with forumites and other friends, taking in dinner and a show. Then we'll head east to visit some friends in TX, hopefully meeting up with the Dobrins (?) and the Ruwards (?) on the way. No further fixed waypoints until the Monaco Come-Home rally in Orlando. Then on to TGO to (hopefully)  meet up with more forumites. Next waypoint (but no fixed date) is Florence, KY to visit a couple of our kids. We have a few interim things in the works, but nothing fixed.
Along the south side where the Friendship used to be is a large, easy to get into level spot with that 50 amp outlet waiting. It's entry is east of where the culvert used to be. We'd love to see you stop by for an overnight if possible, weather permitting, on your way to central TX.
Hi Bob. We'd love to see you both again. We'll be traveling with a couple of other coaches on the eastbound journey, but maybe we can make it on the homeward trip.

We'll be here at TGO waiting for you. In fact I won't be going anywhere soon as my left rotator cuff is torn. Found out yesterday and will have the operation after the holidays. We'll still be able to show you all around the area. :)
Bad new re the rotator cuff Jim. Didn't you have the other one fixed previously? You're going to have to quit wrestling with the alligators at your winter home.

Yes, I had the right one done last December. Scheduled for surgery on 1/12. May be quicker recovery if it really is a small tear. I never try to wrestle the gators. Their record is too good!!! ;D There was a news article, which I didn't actually read but heard about, where a guy was found in the swamp in the jaws of a gator. He was calling for help and the Sheriff's deputies pulled him loose. For some reason the guy was naked. Can't imagine being in the swamp naked around here!!!!! Not sure how badly he was injured.
I wonder how he explained that one Jim  ;D
Wrestling an alligator in the swap naked? Hmmm, too bad the 'gator didn't win, but I'd say the guy still qualifies for the Darwin award.
Then on to TGO to (hopefully)  meet up with more forumites.

Our place outside of Ocala is only a couple hours from TGO - there's always a site available to you there.

Hope you are prepared to make this a 3 month trip - it can't be any less if you make even half the stops you have been invited to!
RV Roamer said:
Our place outside of Ocala is only a couple hours from TGO - there's always a site available to you there.

Thanks for the invitation Gary. We might just take you up on that, but would obviously call/email first. We enjoy your/Nancy's company and we'd love to see that new coach of yours.

Hope you are prepared to make this a 3 month trip...

That's about what we're figuring on. We leave immediately after Christmas and won't be back until mid March, maybe later. But we don't like to make rigid plans and, if we're tired of the March cold in Kentucky, we'll head home sooner.
We might just take you up on that, but would obviously call/email first.

Sure - we don't need any notice anyway. Linda & Paul DeMars will  be parked on our RV site for a couple weeks starting around 1/10, but other than that we have no plans. You are still welcome encouraged to come by when they are here, but we only have one RV site available. There are several parks near by, though, and a neighbor's driveway is usually available for boondocking.

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