Too late to save my toyhauler's tires from going oval?

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Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Topanga, California
Hello, I have had a 21' toyhauler parked in middle of wilderness for the past 15 months and probably will stay there for a few more years. It's in a spot that cannot be moved without the help of a bobcat but someday I might want to put on the road.

When i parked it there, i put up the jacks that came built into the underneath. Just enough so it would not wobble when I walked inside.

However, I was recently told that if there is weight on the wheels for a long time, the wheels will be turn oval and become unusable. And to avoid that, I should have jacked up the toyhauler to the point that there was no weight on the wheels.

Is the above assertion correct?

If so, is it a safe bet that it's too late for my wheels and they are oval already? Can't tell by looking at them.

Or is there still hope to save the wheels and I should I buy some heavy duty jacks and jack up the darn thing so no more weight on the wheels?

This is southern calif so lots of heat in summer. Of course, the wheels have been protected from sun entire time.

thank you in advance.
The wheels won't change shape but you will likely need to replace the tires before going on the road.
The wheels will be fine, they're either steel or aluminum.  But check the date codes on the tires (see the forum glossary for how to read them).  We recommend replacement after 7 years, but they may need that even earlier if they're just sitting.  About the worst thing you can do to a tire is not get it rolling once in a while.
JiminDenver said:
You might try jacking up the rig just enough to rotate each tire every so often.
really won't do anything for the tire, needs to have weight so that it flexes (that is really what it needs to do) Kind of like just starting the engine and letting it idle need to really go for a drive to do any good.
Ned's right the wheel / rim will be fine. It's the rubber that will be damaged after sitting all these years. I tend to try and roll all my vehicle and regular basis to keep rubber in good shape. The only thing I can think off is jack stand the axles and remove the wheels completely.
"Oval" is not the issue - that effect is short term. But leaving the tire in one position for a long, long time can stress the internal structure such that it fails once it begins to roll again. For that reason, the tire companies recommend removing as much weight as possible from the tires and inflating them to their max pressure as well. Both of these things help prevent internal damage.

But your real problem is going to be rotting of the rubber in the tires. Trailer tires don't have a long life to begin with - typically 3-5 years - and the lack of use (rolling) will surely shorten that. My guess is that your tires are going to be throw-aways when & if you ever want to move the toyhauler. They will perhaps look alright, but odds are they will fail within a few hundred miles. Getting them off the ground may help a bit, as may covering them if they are in direct sunlight, but I would not be optimistic about that.
Somebody is yanking your chain on that "Tires will turn oval" bit.

However years without moving will ruin them from other issues.. So plan on new tires ASAP when you finally put it on the road.

Tires on the road, regullary last 7-10 years baring accident or injury or wear out.

Tires on the shelf, which is what you have, 3-5 tops.

Why is this?  Essential protective oils which are a natural part of the tire are brought to the surface by the constant flexing of the rubber as you drive.

No tow, no flex no oil sunlight (Mostly ultraviolet) and chemicals in the air do major damage.
polaatx said:
Thank you all for the responses. This community is active!


Active is a relative term.  Many of the "older" folks on here are less 'active' thus have more time to surf and post on the internet.

End Hijack

All in fun------ ;D ;)
[quote author=polaatx]This community is active![/quote]

Good observation. We've been "active" for 20 years.
[quote author=Derby6]Many of the "older" folks on here are less 'active' thus have more time to surf and post on the internet .... hijack[/quote]

Hi Jack  ;D

I'm one of the still-active "older folks"  ;)  I've been active here multiple time times daily for 20 years, and was equally active when I traveled the world for a living. We have numerous "older" forum members and staff who are/have been equally active. I don't think it has anything to do with "have more time"; It has more to do with motivation and commitment

Oops, sorry, I see you've been "active" here for a little over 2 years and have posted a whopping 41 messages.

All in good fun  ;D

Say hi to Sarah for me.

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