Too much time on my hands

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I logged out to check. The whole screen is a bit different but I found a post of mine and it didn't look different. I did notice that no one has a signature line when logged out.

My only guess is that while logged in you changed the standard font at some time. I might be using the bog standard font which is probably what guests get.
Do you have to manually log-in to the next time you post? If not you continually leave a back-door open to this website.
Every single time I open the website I have to manually log in with my user name and password. I purposely do that with all the websites that require a user name and password. Much more secure that way. I have my browser set to never remember any information and delete all my cookies and browsing history and clear my cache every time I close it down.
Every single time I open the website I have to manually log in with my user name and password. I purposely do that with all the websites that require a user name and password. Much more secure that way. I have my browser set to never remember any information and delete all my cookies and browsing history and clear my cache every time I close it down.
You must have a fantastic memory! đź‘€
Every single time I open the website I have to manually log in with my user name and password. I purposely do that with all the websites that require a user name and password. Much more secure that way. I have my browser set to never remember any information and delete all my cookies and browsing history and clear my cache every time I close it down.
Something I fully agree with you and I do faithfully to a "T".
Must be from some of that 'secret squirrel' training.
Something I fully agree with you and I do faithfully to a "T".
Must be from some of that 'secret squirrel' training.
Nah, it's the "I don't trust nobody" attitude. Especially the government and anyone who can make a buck off stealing my information and screwing me. :cautious:

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