Total Newbie, trying to learn all I can about travel trailers

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New member
Feb 20, 2013
I'm Kelly and my dh, Josh is looking to reside full time in a 16' travel trailer while me and the children reside in our new home in another state.  Josh is active-duty military, but with no RV experience.  I'm trying to get a big picture of life in an RV, so that i can determine if this is the best full-time choice.  He's the doer, I'm the researcher before I jump into anything permanent.  I have tons of questions that I will post in the general discussion section and would love any and all input.

16'?  If you haven't researched them already....may want to google "molded fiberglass trailer".  Many are self contained (stove, microwave, TV/stereo, refer, toilet, shower, etc.).  Many even have thermal pane windows and heated holding tanks (if it gets cold where he's at).

The molded fiberglass trailers seem to hold their value pretty well.  I believe there's actually a forum for people that are full timing in them.  We met a senior couple this past summer that had been in a 16' trailer for the past three years after downsizing from a larger unit.

Does it get cold in the winter, where he'll be (down in the 30s)?  If so, he'll most likely want the thermal pane windows to minamize the condensation.  I assume he'll be pretty much hooked up full time at one loaction, so he'll have heat, water and sewer?

By the way, welcome to the board!
A 16' TT would soon become claustrophobic and very uncomfortable. I have a 16' TT that I use for hunting and camping and I find that after about a week during the winter months it gets very small and having only the dinette to sit at it gets very uncomfortable. If looking used I also found that you can usually find a little larger (22' to 24') for less money and have more choices because they are a more popular size and are more available. Just some thoughts.
I am with wars. 16 ft seems pretty small to full time in. I lived in my 22ft while building my house and that seems too small if I had to live there any longer than the summer. How do you plan to tow it, and what type of vehicle to you have. Depending on your tow vehicle, this may determine what size to buy, or you could have it moved for you. The ones with slides seem far more spacious than ones without.
I'd also watch the height.  If your hubby is at all tall a lot of the shorter TT's also lack headroom.  It was a problem when we were looking (I'm 6'2"), also be wary that the interior heights reported will often not account for obstructions like A/C which will take up a couple inches. 

And I agree, a 16' probably isn't the best for most full timers.  I'm sure there are some that find it perfect.  If your in an area with good weather year round and you like the outdoors, probably doesn't make too much difference.

I'd think living on base would be less hassle.
Unless you plan to only sleep in it and spend the rest of a 24 hour day outside, it's better than a tent as far as comfort, I'm sure. But if you plan to spend any time indoors with more than one person inside, definately pass on the 16 footer!!!


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