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Surface rust is not a big issue with equipment like that, but I would have (or do yourself) repack and inspect the wheel bearings and brakes.
SpencerPJ said:
Surface rust is not a big issue with equipment like that, but I would have (or do yourself) repack and inspect the wheel bearings and brakes.

And don't forget to check the age of the tires.
If it has surge brakes I would pay careful attention to the brake lines and mechanism, in addition to checking tires and and replacing them if over 5 years of age.
As Gary said, wire brush and spray paint.  But if it's not bad, don't worry.  I will add, if you want to paint it, buying a quart of Rustoleum you pick color, a disposable cheap brush, disposable roller, disposable gloves, and have at it on grassy area, preferably not your own grass.  I rollered a fishing boat trailer, and it looked great, seemed to go on thicker than spray paint, oil based paint, lasted many years.
It actually looks brand new because the guy I bought it from painted it, but I saw rust spots underneath and know he painted it.

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