Tow dolly tire pressure

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2013
Central NC
I use a Master Tow dolly to tow a Ford Focus.  I've noticed that the dolly manual calls for a different tire pressure than that listed on the tire.  The manual lists a much higher tire pressure.  They are the original tires.  Any suggestions on which pressure I should use.  Thanks all.
re-read your post.

dolly manual calls for higher pressure than sidewall of tire?

That's wrong. either tires are not original or there may be a psi vs kpa confusion between manual and tire side wall.

Don't exceed max pressure on sidewall. Don't tow with toad on till you know what the story is.
I contacted Master Tow and as it turn out the tire pressure indicated in the dolly manual is the correct psi.  The psi indicated on the sidewall of the tire is for the technician mounting the tire.  Live and learn.
larrypowellnc said:
I contacted Master Tow and as it turn out the tire pressure indicated in the dolly manual is the correct psi.  The psi indicated on the sidewall of the tire is for the technician mounting the tire.  Live and learn.
That doesn't make sense.  The tire pressure should not exceed the max pressure on the tire sidewall, regardless of what the dolly manual says.
OK, here's the answer to the 2 different tire pressure recommendations.  I went out and closely examined the tires and  there a 2 tire pressure recommendations.  One of for mounting the tires and seating the beads.  The second is for the load rating.  Mounting is 32 psi and load is 50 psi.  One is bold type and easy to see (mounting instructions) and one is smaller type and easy to overlook.  I guess it pays to read everything on a tire sidewall and not just the bold type.
Interesting, we'll keep that in mind when the question comes up again in the future.  And it almost certainly will :)
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