towing 2012 ford escape

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Jul 26, 2011
Hello, We just left to go to Florida towing our 2012 ford escape from Pa. We got as far as wythsville virginia and the transmission locked up.Left it at a Ford dealer to repair and will pick it up on the way home.It will be coverd under the warranty but it was recommened to install a trans pump cooler to aid in this not happening again. We bought the car because the dealer said it was towable without modification.  pump installed is 2900. Has anybody had any experience with this problem or thoughts . Jim 
That's fairly amazing that they'll cover it under warranty.  What does the owner manual say about towing?
I would definitely get it off the ground.  How does the $2900 for the pump compare to a trailer?
I purchased a 2010 Hybrid Escape because at the time the only Escape that could be towed four down with no editions was the Hybrid. Well wouldn't you know that when I picked up the car ALL Escapes could be towed four down no pump no problem.

Well in 2011 or 12 Ford had a better idea. They changed the transmission, but not the manuals.  The rest is history. Depending on the dealer, you were either covered by the Warranty or not.

I believe the Hybrid can still be towed four down but not the non Hybrid Escape.

I have towed the Escape over 15 thousand miles no problem put car in neutral and go.
If the manual says you can tow it four down and that destroys the transmission I don't think the dealer/manufacturer has a leg to stand on.  I'd keep towing and destroying transmissions until they issue an official manual update OR install a pump for free..

but that's just me. 
We were also told by dealer that all esapes built after feb. 2012 will not be towable so it sounds like what Tin Man has found out is the reason. Our idea is similiar to braindeads. When we get it back to our dealer we are gonna kick and scream to have them pay forand install  the pump. Thanks for all input Jim
jl3922 said:
We were also told by dealer that all esapes built after feb. 2012 will not be towable so it sounds like what Tin Man has found out is the reason. Our idea is similiar to braindeads. When we get it back to our dealer we are gonna kick and scream to have them pay forand install  the pump. Thanks for all input Jim
I presume that means they told you yours was build before Feb?  If you purchased this with the goal of 4-down towing and the dealer said that's fine and the manual says that's fine.  I'd think you've got a strong case, I'm sure the dealer will try to bully you to back off and it may be a hassle..

Good luck with this!  Hope it works out for you.

See this thread for similar situation with Chevy:,61866.0.html
We purchased a 2012 Honda CRV in March, 2012, because the Ford dealership was being "iffy" about the 2012 Ford Escape being towable.  We even called Ford headquarters and talked to someone who said that the transmission fluid would have to be checked by a certified Ford shop EVERY TIME we towed. Now, that's next to impossible.  I really wanted an Escape, but was nervous about them not being definite.  After we bought our Honda, I remember reading on these forums that Ford changed their mind and started saying they are not towable even though the manual said they were.  As stated earlier, if your Ford was built before a certain date (Feb./Mar. 2012), it was considered towable, but if built after, it is not.  We even asked the dealership if they would install a Remco pump, and they said they would not install anything that wasn't a Ford product.  I've since read that they were having so many problems with transmissions, that they started installing pumps. I bet they've had a nightmare with people who bought thinking it was towable.  So, it appears that you're at the mercy of which dealership you bought yours and how badly they want to keep you happy.  I hope it works for you and you have many miles of trouble free Rving.   
Tin man said:
I purchased a 2010 Hybrid Escape because at the time the only Escape that could be towed four down with no editions was the Hybrid. Well wouldn't you know that when I picked up the car ALL Escapes could be towed four down no pump no problem.

Well in 2011 or 12 Ford had a better idea. They changed the transmission, but not the manuals.  The rest is history. Depending on the dealer, you were either covered by the Warranty or not.

I believe the Hybrid can still be towed four down but not the non Hybrid Escape.

I have towed the Escape over 15 thousand miles no problem put car in neutral and go.

Bet you have a great charge on the toad battery when you get to your stop.
To sub vet

Never thought about that. I think the ignition has to be on to charge I know when you brake it charges, but the ignition is not on per say just the one click to unlock the wheel. 

All I know is it tows nice, no hassles.

Only problem after towing when I drive the car the rubber build up burns off. Smells like burning rubber for about 3-5 miles.
We bought the car because the dealer said it was towable without modification.

Another real life example of why never to trust what the dealer says. Even if they are  trying to be helpful, most car dealers and their employee's will have little or no experience with towing. They are likely to give you the answer that you want to hear and that will lead to a sale. You really have to ask for the owner's manual for the specific car you are looking at.
I spoke to the service manager before I purchased the Escape and he informed me that only the Hybrid could be towed without modifications. When the 2010 was purchased was when I found out all Escapes that year could be towed with one modification. I cannot remember if he said you had to either add or remove some transmission fluid. I believe he said remove.  It was three years ago, and I haven't had breakfast yet, or did I?

By the way the Motor Home towing guide confirmed the fact that the Hybrid was the only Escape that could be towed with no modifications. 

In Florida freezing my golf balls off..

I have a friend who purchased a 2012 Escape non Hybrid..must be a early 2012 that he towes, no transmission problems, but at the end of a long day his battery is dead.  He has a Blue Ox Patriot braking system.  Anyone have the same Experiance?

I have a 2010 Hybrid with Air Force One braking. Must be wired differently. The only battery that gets charged when I brake is the electric battery not the 12 volt.  But I am not that sharp on mechanics. 

Any ideas? Suggestions?


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