towing in the snow

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Tractor trailers are the biggest issue for me. They weigh a lot and mistakenly believe that they can do 70 in any conditions. They will ride your rear end and make you uncomfortable. Slowing to 50 or so due to conditions really pisses them off. I've found this to be the case even when not towing. I'll be doing 55 in a 4wd truck in the snow, feeling like I'm going too fast and the big rigs headed to Canada are riding my butt.
Around here, this is not limited to tractor trailers. I live in a small town - the middle town of 3 small towns all with 30 MPH speed limits with 55 MPH in between. When slowing down coming into town, people will ride my butt - if I'm going 35 in a 30 and they are still riding my butt, I slow down to 30 exactly. They ride so close, you can't even see their license plate! Gives me some satisfaction knowing I'm slowing them down!
Around here, this is not limited to tractor trailers. I live in a small town - the middle town of 3 small towns all with 30 MPH speed limits with 55 MPH in between. When slowing down coming into town, people will ride my butt - if I'm going 35 in a 30 and they are still riding my butt, I slow down to 30 exactly. They ride so close, you can't even see their license plate! Gives me some satisfaction knowing I'm slowing them down!
The closer they get to me the slower I go. The smarter ones will back off, but I'm retired, if a dumba** wants to do 25 in a 35, I got all day.
Around here, this is not limited to tractor trailers. I live in a small town - the middle town of 3 small towns all with 30 MPH speed limits with 55 MPH in between. When slowing down coming into town, people will ride my butt - if I'm going 35 in a 30 and they are still riding my butt, I slow down to 30 exactly. They ride so close, you can't even see their license plate! Gives me some satisfaction knowing I'm slowing them down!
Good time to check out your brakes.
I like the Canadians, most here are from Montreal and like most big city drivers they tend to be in a rush. Same can be said for those from NYC or NJ. I can tolerate them. Canadian TT drivers have a real bad rep around here though.
I have to believe that my very limited observations relating a segment of Canadian drivers headed south on the Adirondack Northway in a winter snow storm is by no means indicative of the driving habits all drivers from that country. ;)

Now New Jersey drivers... don't get me goin'... :rolleyes:
You can be the best/safest driver out there but you can't control how others drive.
Absolutely. (y) No amount of experience or foul weather driving experience can help if...

I have to wonder how many highway deaths involve excellent drivers being killed by the recklessness of others.

Bad enough when weather conditions are fine but throw in a snow/ice storm...
Absolutely. (y) No amount of experience or foul weather driving experience can help if...

I have to wonder how many highway deaths involve excellent drivers being killed by the recklessness of others.

Bad enough when weather conditions are fine but throw in a snow/ice storm...
What always confounds me is how in the vast expanse of a universe comprised of billions of galaxies, two idiots going the same direction on I-20 somehow couldn't avoid running over one another.
What always confounds me is how in the vast expanse of a universe comprised of billions of galaxies, two idiots going the same direction on I-20 somehow couldn't avoid running over one another.
It only takes one idiot.
Absolutely. (y) No amount of experience or foul weather driving experience can help if...

I have to wonder how many highway deaths involve excellent drivers being killed by the recklessness of others.

Bad enough when weather conditions are fine but throw in a snow/ice storm...
If you look at many of the pile up photos it's obvious many were tailgating. This is bad enough on a nice day but in snow you should be a long way from the vehicle in front.
I have used rope wrapped through the wheel spokes and over the tires several times in mud, sand, and snow. It is quicker and easier than chains and does not hurt the vehicle if they break loose.. Best if you are not concerned about saving the roap, but I have driven several miles on rope to get to a better piece of road or trail.
I'm reminded of a time back in the late 1990's, I was towing an enclosed gooseneck trailer for work(not an RV but pretty much the same as a 5th wheel). I was I-75 Northbound, I think maybe it was about here...
34.934441, -85.155544

Anyway, it was during a snow and it was starting to stick on the road... and there was a stop and go slowdown. The road was a banked curve, whenever I came to a stop the trailer would start sliding downhill, sideways into the lane beside me and towards the rail. Thankfully traffic started rolling again and it was fine as long as I crept along moving...stop again, it wold slide I slowed leaving a huge gap in front of me so I could hopefully keep it rolling. It worked out and I was able to make my way around the sideways banked area without collisions!
The closer they get to me the slower I go. The smarter ones will back off, but I'm retired, if a dumba** wants to do 25 in a 35, I got all day.
Not me. If I get really annoyed, I pull over and let the a**hole go.
One time after I did just that, I saw the dummy off in a ditch down the road in a snow storm.

As for safe travel, I'll generally get a feel for the road conditions and If I'm uncomfortable I'll pull off into a rest stop, for at least a break, hoping the plows will do their job. Otherwise just take your time and drive according to the conditions.
Safe travels and all the best.

As for safe travel,
All major highways will be maintained - however, white-out conditions can happen and black ice is deadly. Stop if you're nervous and find a place to wait it out even if it's a motel parking lot and get a room so you don't have to hook up anything in the storm.

If you're traveling South you'll have better days ahead of you - act like you have all the time in the world so that your WILL have all the time in world.

I'd rather tell the story about how me and DW had to glamp in a motel for three days rather than how I dug out from a snowbank using a broken Dixie cup.

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