Tracking cable connections and antenna input?

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Apr 24, 2012
We upgraded from a 27' Sprindale to a 2006 Sunset Creek 298BH from SunnyBrook and are excited to take it on our first trip.  The only thing is, we are trying to trace down where all of the cable connections and antenna connections are.  Outside, there are two coax connections, one above the other.  Using a continuity tester, we found that the outlets in the bunk house and in the front bedroom are connected to the bottom outside coax and of the two coax outlets in the entertainment center area one is connected to the top coax and the other to the bottom.  Only problem is, we can't find what is connected to the outside antenna.  We're trying to connect a digital converter for areas with no cable. 
Typically the connector that has the antenna booster is the one that ties to the antenna on the roof. But I'm going to assume that all of them tie together at some point. I would test by hooking a DVD or VCR up to the outside coax fitting and test all the ports with a small portable TV. I've got a tiny black and white battery powered TV perfect for this. I've done the same thing and picked up a inexpensive A/D converter for while we are traveling.
I'm not familiar with the Sunset Creek, but assume it probably came with an analog tv originally? And some sort of switch to select input from the roof antenna and it's built-in amplifier?  Typically the switch is mounted on a wall or inside a cabinet somewhere and also has its own extra coax port, but sometimes it is part of a video switch (gives several choices of inputs for each tv).  Do you have anything like one of those?  If so, that is where you want to tie in the digital converter.
karnor said:
We upgraded from a 27' Sprindale to a 2006 Sunset Creek 298BH from SunnyBrook and are excited to take it on our first trip.  The only thing is, we are trying to trace down where all of the cable connections and antenna connections are.  Outside, there are two coax connections, one above the other.  Using a continuity tester, we found that the outlets in the bunk house and in the front bedroom are connected to the bottom outside coax and of the two coax outlets in the entertainment center area one is connected to the top coax and the other to the bottom.  Only problem is, we can't find what is connected to the outside antenna.  We're trying to connect a digital converter for areas with no cable.
The SunnyBrook has two outside connections. One should be marked cable the other marked satellite. The one that is marked cable shares the cable with the outside antenna. The one that is marked satellite goes straight to the other connections on the inside. On the inside of the trailer the one that is for the cable/antenna usually has a 12v connection next to it. In your case it sounds like the connection on the bottom is for the cable/antenna.
The outside antenna will double up with the cable inlet feeding the multiple outlets.  You should have a preamp on/off switch, maybe in a wall plate with a 12 volt cigarette lighter plug and an F connector on it.  The cable inlet is connected to the outputs when the preamp switch is Off. Turning the preamp On disconnects the cable and connects the antenna to those outlets.

The inlet that only goes to one outlet in the entertainment center is the satellite antenna input.

If you have a digital converter with an analog bypass, you can just put it between the antenna/cable wall outlet and the TV.  Turn it on to receive digital over the air broadcasts via the antenna, off to send the cable feed directly to the TV.

You'll need a separate converter box for each TV because they only convert one channel at a time.
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