Also, buy a logbook! I looked at the preprinted, "form" logbooks like the ones at Camping World, but didn't like them. I got a nice, hardcover book with blank lined pages, although any simple notebook will do. You can record anything you like, but I like to record my beginning & ending mileage, where I went, campground, campsite number, who's along on the trip, what we did, ate, bought, liked, disliked, fish we caught, fish that got away, hiking trails, etc. Also, you may want to record any issues you have, any new discoveries made re: what to take, what to do, gas (diesel) mileage, costs, etc. Just about everything. I just spend a few minutes before leaving home, then a few more each night recording before I go to bed. In a few years, it'll be fun to go back and read this. Especially since I'm a rookie, these early experiences will probably be pretty funny a few years from now.