Trailer hitch?

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Mar 9, 2013
Can some one advise what type if hitch I may need to tow a 17-21 foot trailer with? I am currently looking for a towable and have no way to tow it if I find one. I have a factory installed tow package with a square receptacle in back. Any advise would be great.
Hold off for now.  If you buy a used TT, it might come with a hitch that will just slide into your receiver hitch.  If you buy new, check with the dealer and you can maybe get a better price on the whole package.
I have seen them for sale with the hitch. I am so new to this and so ignorant its all questions, many probably dumb to most. So I understand, the hitches are standard, as in one size fits all?
You just need the ball mount that holds the hitch ball and slides into the receiver. It needs to have the approximate correct amount of drop or rise to tow the trailer level. For the size trailer you are looking for you probably do not need a weight distributing hitch but check your owners manual for towing capacities.
The simplest way is to take a ride over to a RV dealer explain to them of what the GVWR of the trailer is (NO DRY WEIGHT!). They can set you up with a nice hitch with WD bars and sway control if needed.
Thank you! I may even have one from our old Santa Fe. Sitting, with all the stuff, in the garage.
Thanks Mopar, I was thinking new but the cost scared me a bit. I think that's how I want to go but I am looking hard at used currently.
No hitches are not "one size fits all". The square tube (called a receiver) comes in different sizes depending on its weight rating, but you probably have a 2" size, which is the most common and rated for 3500-5000 lbs (Class III) - or maybe even 6000 lbs. Some 2" are rated even higher, for Class IV or 5000-10,000 or more lbs of towed weight.

Likewise, the "ball mount" will be rated for different weight classes and the size (diameter) of the ball will vary with the weight class.
Gary RV Roamer said:
No hitches are not "one size fits all". The square tube (called a receiver) comes in different sizes depending on its weight rating, but you probably have a 2" size, which is the most common and rated for 3500-5000 lbs (Class III) - or maybe even 6000 lbs. Some 2" are rated even higher, for Class IV or 5000-10,000 or more lbs of towed weight.

Likewise, the "ball mount" will be rated for different weight classes and the size (diameter) of the ball will vary with the weight class.

Gary is right there is several weight classes and tpyes ans size this why I suggested the dealer and specify the GVWR of the trailer. Then the dealer can get you a hitch setup that exceeds the weight rating the trailer.
I HIGHLY recommend the use of a hitch that comes with sway bars!!! It makes towing easier.
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