Trailer Wiring Harness

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New member
Mar 2, 2013
    I have a question about the wiring harness and what I need to purchase. This will be my first TT. I have an Coleman 16QB on order. I will be pulling with 2011 Chevrolet 1500. I have reese hitch and weight distribution hitch but no wiring or breaks wiring on my truck. I was going to buy this seperate because at the dealer its so high. What harness is the best to use for this combination. Thanks for any help!!
You might go back to the dealer and ask if they sell a pigtail for electric brake option. Like my 2002 Dodge had the plug under the dash I got the pigtail from the dealer so when I purchased my trailer the RV dealer hooked it all up for me.  8)
Look on top of the spare tire. You should find a 7-pin trailer harness connector up there from the factory. My 2006 Silverado had one..... the newer models may just have the wires without the plug..... check and see before buying anything. If you need the plug, you can get it here:

The trailer brake wire harness is under the dash on the right side of the steering column. It has a label "Trailer Brake Harness". Just get yourself a brake controller like one of these. Wire it in as per instructions:

Trailer brake controller installation video:

If your truck doesn't have an auxiliary transmission cooler, you will want to install one. It's very simple and less than $100.
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