Transport Company Recommendations

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Well if it’s ever close he can slow down and drop trailer air for some more inches.
We got it to 14'2" the trailer was very cool. Hydraulic front end and the entire front detached. Loading was from the front. I loaded the rv onto the trailer. The driver was great. Very thorough and thought through everything. Took almost 4 hrs to get it locked and loaded.

the front of the trailer can be dropped to the ground or be as high as about 16" from inside the cab. the driver said he typically runs it between 4 and 6 inches from the ground. The lower the better
rvlifer, good luck with the second part of your situation, now that you finally got it transported to Elkhart.
Did SF cover the transport cost, or is that on your dime?

Hopefully, State Farm has enough adjusters in the Elkhart area, and you can get a quick response from them once the factory has determined what needs to be done.
State farm will cover $250 of the tow. Hopefully my lawyer will get me back the rest. SF will also xover $500 out of the trip to elkhart.

Imo coachnet should have paid for the transport. Very disappointed in them on this one.
Stae Farm should be going after the insurance company or the driver who hit your RV.
Not a lot of incentive to do it on the transport since they will only be out $250 but i am sure they will be going after the other stuff. Once i see what SF covers and what they dont i will be able to decide what i have to go after myself.

This wont be settled anytime soon. I am still at the beginning.
Man, your situation is tough, hang in there. A nice bourbon in the evening can help calm the nerves and aggravation. Anything from Buffalo Trace is yummy.

Not a bourbon fan but pot is legal in colorado lol.

My financial guys have been on me for years about what i have been spending on the rv. This aint gonna help

Not a bourbon fan but pot is legal in colorado lol.

My financial guys have been on me for years about what i have been spending on the rv. This aint gonna help
But have you ever heard of a financial guy that has fun?

I guess one exception is the accountants. My sister, and future wife, both worked for one of the Big Eight accounting firms. They had an annual party at one of the swank country clubs. They weren't allowed back after a bunch of them went skinny dipping in the pool. My sister never confirmed or denied about if she was one...
But have you ever heard of a financial guy that has fun?

I guess one exception is the accountants. My sister, and future wife, both worked for one of the Big Eight accounting firms. They had an annual party at one of the swank country clubs. They weren't allowed back after a bunch of them went skinny dipping in the pool. My sister never confirmed or denied about if she was one...
My guy isnt what you would expect from a financial analyst. He is just a normal guy who knows a lot about finances, taxes, and social security. It helps a lot cause he thunks outside the box.

If i used a swear jar from the first time i met him i would have been able to retire several years earlier than i did 🙂
But have you ever heard of a financial guy that has fun?

I guess one exception is the accountants. My sister, and future wife, both worked for one of the Big Eight accounting firms. They had an annual party at one of the swank country clubs. They weren't allowed back after a bunch of them went skinny dipping in the pool. My sister never confirmed or denied about if she was one...
My former sister-in-law ran a small CPA firm. Every April 16th (after the tax filing deadline) she'd host a party for her employees and extended family at a local restaurant that featured lots of tequila and other spirits and occasionally activities like dancing on tables.
My financial guys have been on me for years about what i have been spending on the rv

We hear this huh, advice not from our financial guy who's in Las Vegas, we are in WNY, but from our family. This is especially true with my wife's sisters who think I'm going to bankrupt their sister, not knowing I pay all of the RV bills including repairs, diesel fuel, and campground costs.
We hear this huh, advice not from our financial guy who's in Las Vegas, we are in WNY, but from our family. This is especially true with my wife's sisters who think I'm going to bankrupt their sister, not knowing I pay all of the RV bills including repairs, diesel fuel, and campground costs.
I dont put much credence into what my family thinks. Most think we are living the dream with the rv till they find out a little what it is really like, then they think we are crazy.

My wifes sister thinks we are currently living off the grid even though we are in a house and gas stations, supermarkets, police, post office, and hospital are all a lot closer to us than where she lives in the phoenix area. Her first question when we moved here was do you have furniture stores.

Not much different than back in pa. The first time my sister visited us and found out wedidnt have cell service she seriously asked how do you live.

People are amusing. Sadly amusing.
My wifes sister thinks we are currently living off the grid even though we are in a house and gas stations, supermarkets, police, post office, and hospital are all a lot closer to us than where she lives in the phoenix area. Her first question when we moved here was do you have furniture stores.
Lotsa folks who've never been west get their ideas of what's here from western movies. When I lived in Albuquerque a friend who had recently moved there from Illinois had jokingly told a visiting friend, in response to whether they needed to change dollars to pesos, that they should. Few of them understand the distances between towns of any kind, or that it might be 400+ miles between one major city and the next.
Lotsa folks who've never been west get their ideas of what's here from western movies. When I lived in Albuquerque a friend who had recently moved there from Illinois had jokingly told a visiting friend, in response to whether they needed to change dollars to pesos, that they should. Few of them understand the distances between towns of any kind, or that it might be 400+ miles between one major city and the next.
That is a problem too but my wifes sister moved to ca in 1979 then retired in the phoenix area.
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