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New member
Feb 20, 2013
Hi. I am still new to RVing and need some additional help, please. I live in my travel trailer full time and loving it. But I continue to have a problem w/ the black and gray drainage pipes (parts that are exposed) wanting to freeze. I bought heat tape and foam to wrap around the exposed areas and that did not help. What can I do? I am afraid that I will end up eventually w/ busted holding tanks, etc. Thank you
If you are expecting a hard freeze, dump your tanks and leave the valves open. Just don't make a habit of going #2 while valves are open.
A dfifficult question to answer.  It depends on your situation.  Are you a permanent?  Is your TT skirted?  What part of the country are you located?  Are you in a park?  Lots of questions need to be asked before you get what your looking for.

Winter is almost over.  I'm sure this forum can get you through the final days of Winter with a bit more info. 
It should be practical to wrap them with enough insulation to keep from freezing, but that sort of depends on the temperatures and how long it stays below freezing each day/night. Hard to be definitive without seeing the plumbing you are dealing with, though. Skirting the trailer helps a lot - retains a bit of heat underneath.

If that cannot be done, then the alternative are:
1. Pour in enough RV antifreeze (potable water antifreeze) to keep them at least slushy. That can get expensive if you have to renew it each time you dump.
2.Dump before every freeze (probably not practical if it goes below freezing every day, or stays below freezing for days at a time).
You can get some heat tape/ strips after you put the heat strips on wrap the pipe and heat strips with aluminum foil then wrap with insulation. The reason you use the aluminum foil is to spread the heat all around the pipes. I have used the heavier oven foil and it was easier to work with without tearing. Putting some skirting around your trailer will make it easier to keep it warm inside and keep the pipes from freezing.
One big question - do the tanks have heat pads under them, or are they in a heated enclosed underbelly of the trl? If the answer to both of these questions is NO then you'll need to start with finding a way to keep the tanks themselves heated first.
I am full timing in CO. I have been here since Jan. I put straw bails wraped in black plastic all around the TT. I have had no problem with anything freezing. I do have an enclosed and heated underbelly. I also put heat tape with my water hose wraped in pipe insulation and have had no problems with that either. I am quite surprisedd as most nights are below freezing. My biggest problem is the drafty windows. But have blankets covering them on the inside. Cathy

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