Travelling from BC to Baja

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Jan 14, 2013
It will be my first time going through the US.  Not much of a traveler.  Does someone out there do this trip and have a nice list of stops through the US ?  Don't really want to be crashing at Walmarts.  I am sure there must some great spots on the way down to Mexico.  A lot of Canucks  go to Yuma for the winter.  It would be great to get your advice.  I like "Boon docking" but I can handle some RV parks along the way if there is good company and I have a good scotch in my hand.
I would cross at Peace Arch into the US then head south through the San Bernadino Valley (Avoids LA), to the Tecate border x-ing.  As far as where to stop in between I am ope to your suggestions.

Assuming you are using I-5, you have a pretty large number of selections for stops.

We traveled most of that route this summer and found good stops in Washington, Oregon, and California along that corridor, including Chehalis, WA, Woodland, WA, Salem, OR, Red Bluff, CA, and Bakersfield, CA.

Searching for "I-5" will deliver you a number of routing thread questions here on the Forum and some ideas of what people have found along the way.
Depending on how far you drive a day 7feathers casino in Canyonville,OR is a good first stop.  There are also a couple of rv parks near Portland including Champoeg state park that would make a good first night. Next would be Valley of the Rogue state park in southern Oregon or drive across the mountains and get to Redding ,CA.  From there south i cant help you much.  If your not in a big hurry to get to MX you could also cut over at Longview WA to hwy30 and take US 101 south into CA, crossing back to I5 north of SanFrancisco.
Ribbos...., have you determined if you need to buy Mexican Insurance for your rig ?

  On my trip a few years ago it was a definite requirement. We found an agent in Chula Vista, CA. as we passed through. I don't think your BC insurance is valid down there.

Just a heads-up....
try: - United States

click on the map along the route you chose to take and find RV parks along the way, with ratings...
Progressive Ins ( for example) will cover a loss to your vehicle in Mexico but Mexico requires that you purchase liability insurance from a Mexican insurance company.
The insurance company in British Columbia is called ICBC.  May be a much different than Progressive in the US. I propose that he check it out carefully.
You'll find Sanborn's Insurance near the Mexican border.  It's one of the oldest Mexican insurance companies and we've always used them.  You MUST have liability insurance provided by a Mexican company.


Thanks for the advice !  I might be able to return the favor if anyone is looking for good boondocking spots in Northern Vancouver Island.
We made the trip from San Diego (Chula Vista) crossing January 9, heading for Los Barilles, about 45 miles north of Cabo San Lucas.
The other Cabo and Todo Santos a little farther depending on which way you go after La Paz.  What I can tell you is to be sure you have Mike and Terri Church's book on Camping in Mexico and check their web site for updates.  ALSO, we are driving a 39 foot Class A diesel pusher, pulling a Jeep and it took us 4 days to get down there, very narrow roads and mountatins.  However, some good stopping places along the way and iif you're in a truck camper, you have many more options than we did in a "big rig" which have limited spaces for parking in campgrounds.  After a couple of weeks down there we headed for La Paz and took the ferry across to Mazatlan and headed for San Miguel Allende where we have been since January 26.  Leaving here around March 13 for Los de Marcos. for a couple of weeks and back home by the end of March.  Baja, meaning lower in Spanish, is really just the lower part of California and not at all like central Mexico and we prefer the latter.

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