Trial run?

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Jan 30, 2013
I was wondering if many of you who are currently living in your RV did a trial run prior to committing to it full time?

We're thinking of setting aside funds specifically for a rental for this upcoming fall or early spring of 2014 - and maybe a 3-week excursion.    Would 3 weeks be enough time to get a feel for the problems we may encounter if we try to incorporate some of the things we'd do if we were in it full time?

Thanks in advance.

We are awful examples.  :'(

We spent one night in a friend's Winnebago Adventurer at his house, and three weeks later bought a used 38' diesel pusher. A month after that, one sleepover with grandkids, and we are loaded up, and out of the apartment, full time, and another coach and two and a half years later, we're still at it!

My point? Some people need more time than others to decide, but we were obviously ripe. We have never regretted a minute of it, and expect to be doing this for a long time.

That's not right for everyone, and there's no perfect way to do it. But there are a bunch of ways in between. And granted, I must have read into every thread on this Forum. That experience is priceless!

Many here will recommend a trial run, but we found them extremely expensive, and they might not be in the type of rig you really need to end up in. It's complicated.  :eek:

Listen to what others have to say, take it all with a grain of salt, and find the water level that you are comfortable in. After all, you are the one who has to live with the decision and your gut, if you trust it, is the best thing to listen to.

We're not happy customers, we're ecstatic!
Back in the day I had a 1976 Dodge Jamboree and lived in it for months at a time. I can tell you from my experiences a small RV like mine you can live in it full time but privacy, storage, etc. can be a bit tough on a person. But If I was to try it again and do it with my Jayco I would be much happier person even if I was living with a female counterpart. (Currently single).
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