tripping breaker in the house

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New member
Jan 13, 2013
I had a motor home plugged in outlet in the house. I had only lights on in the motorhome for about 3 hours., Breaker tripped in the house. I suspected the converter went bad. I unplugged converter from the 120 outlet . It still tripped breaker in the house. I was not plugged in to a GFCI outlet. Should unplugging the converter eliminate the possibility of a faulty converter??? I did check the power cord and adapter. All of that was good.  Any ideas on what is the problem????? Thanks for any help.
Is your refregator on electric or gas or turned off.  If it is on 120 volt setting it will take more power than most anything you have in the coach.  Also, do you have one of those ''hot rod'' heaters in your water tank?  If you do, unplug it and drain the water tank if you are afraid of it freezing.  Third.  Look at the power cord prongs.  If they are black or caroded you could be getting a bad connection.  Take very fine sandpaper and clean them up so you will get a good connection.

All this worthless advise will cost you ten cents and you can pay me the next time you see me. 
One more word of advise ...  NEVER TAKE MY ADVISE AS I AM SOMETIMES WRONG........CJ
do you have a control panel that tells you your amp draw. if so what does it say . did it run for 3 hours before it tripped the breaker. some houses have far too much on one curcuit. what else went off in your house when the breaker tripped.  you might have something else on your outside plug in that you are not aware of. try moving to a different outlet. breakers get weak over time if they are tripped a lot. you might have a weakened breaker if that is the case.
Remember that you have a 30 amp rig and most house breakers are 20 AMP. You are either pulling too much load, have a weak breaker or both. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
Great Horned Owl said:
At the risk of being obvious, are there loads running in the house that might be on the same circuit?


Beat me to it.  Something in the house is probably on the same branch.
I have a upright freezer and a refrig in my home garage. I have to unplug the refrig when I plug my 30 amp coach into the wall outlet. Hope this helps!

Scott  :)
sounds like you need to run a new circuit to your fridge scott. or perhaps a new outlet dedicated for the mh. thats what i intend to do in my garage so that i can plug my coach into a 30 amp outlet and run the ac ect. when we have guests. we sometimes use the mh as a bunkie.
The other big draw that turns itself on at random times is your hot water heater.  Try either turning it off or leaving it on the gas only setting.  That, your microwave, a hair dryer or coffee maker can put you over the edge if you're already close.  Otherwise, a regular 110V outlet should easily hold your coach for just lights, fridge, water pump, and other normal 12V loads.  It should also hold for heat as long as you're using the gas furnace and no electric heaters or A/C. Like others have said, if it doesn't, there may be other issues with your circuit or loads in your house.

I had mine plugged in to a 110V outlet when we first got it and kept popping the breaker too until I figured some of this out.  Have since run a 220v 50A service at both my house and my daughter's house.  No more worries!


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