Trojan 1275 question

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
I acquired four Trojan T-1275 batteries (manufactured 2/12) from a golf cart that was totalled (driven into a lake!). Batteries took a great charge (13+ volts each) but I do not know how to have them load tested. Auto Express used their tester, but didn't know how to configure their tester for a battery w/o a cca rating. He guessed at 1275, and each battery tested at around 600cca. Is there a way I can load test these suckers? Wondering if there would be any benefit in building them as a back-up battery bank... vs the extra 300#'s!

Thoughts o wise ones? Thanks!
The T-1275 is an excellent high capacity deep cycle, with a 150 AH rating. The load test of 600 CCA sounds about right to me - that's 4x the 20 hour discharge rate for this battery, which is generally felt to be a good reading for a pure deep cycle.  About the only other way to load test would be to put a steady 25 amp load on the fully charged battery and see if it lasts 250-280 minutes to get to 10.5v. I wouldn't bother though - those batteries sound fine to me.

CCA and AH (or RC) are calculated so differently that there is no way to convert one reading to another, so trying to guestimate what CCA is ok for a battery rated in  AH or RC (the 1275 has both ratings) is purely art rather than science.
Thanks Gary, appreciate the feedback - the batteries look brand new, and the cost was zero. Can't decide if I should convert to four 12's or keep the two big 6's and create a seperate bank of these 12's - your thoughts? I have plenty of room in the undercarriage, would just need to creat a bit of venting... we intend on travelling Mexico a lot, have two large solar panels, but don't want to create more nightmares electrically - there already seem to be a few gremlins! Thanks again for all your shared experiences!

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