ULSD availability and pricing

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
I checked a F-J in KY yesterday and no labeling for ULSD. The web iste if completely operational only shows three domestic locations with USLD available and priciing. Two locations are in UT and show no price difference whereas the other is in OH and show 2 cents higher for ULSD.
The Mobil Truck Stop in Jean, NV, had only ULSD and was charging $2.659/gal.  This was 4 cents/gal more than the truck stop at I-15 and Blue Diamond in Las Vegas, which is the normal price difference.  therefore, i assume that ULSD was the same price as reg diesel.

The newly opened Flying J in Brookshire, Texas, has ULSD at $2.32 gallon.? This is below the prevailing price for diesel in the area. Nice place, too.? I was filling the ML, not the MH, so I don't know what was over in the truck pumps.? But, except for test vehicles, most of the people needing the new stuff have 2007 cars and light trucks.  I'm sure lovin' putting 300 miles in and only getting half a tank (12-13 gal) in a 5000 lb. SUV.
LOL Karl, if you click on Curt's profile you'll see:

Tow vehicle: 2007 Mercedes ML320CDI
ML320CDI and Dutch Star

Both burn diesel.? One gets 21-27 mpg.? The other doesn't.? One accelerates quickly and cruises at 130 mph.? The other doesn't.? One has 2 TVs and a queen sized bed.? The other doesn't.

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