Ultraleather vs. Fabric Captain's Chairs

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Cass Sumrall

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2012
All of the new Class A's we are considering purchasing seem to come with Ultraleather seats.

We have always preferred fabric to leather because we have found fabric seats to be more comfortable & breathable. Seems like leather seats tend to be hot to sit in for long periods as when driving.

Anyone have experience with Ultraleather find it to be preferable to fabric?

Preferable? No, but it's pretty comfortable, even though a but hotter than fabric would be. The upside, of course, is that it can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Our coach has real cowhide leather rather than the ultraleather and it is less hot to sit on, but leather eventually gets tiny surface cracks and is harder to get certain stains off, e.g. ink.
We have ultraleather and after 10 years of use and 93,000 miles it still looks pretty good.  It think if we had had fabric on these chairs it would be worn and they would need replacing.  Plus I love the fact that I can clean them.  We have not noticed they are hotter than normal.  I would think the reverse would be true, if it's cold outside then the ultraleather would be colder than fabric to sit on.

My guess is you will have a hard time finding a fabric captain chair.

We have had both, and given a choice would prefer ultraleather. As stated above, I think you will have a hard time finding cloth in a higher end coach.
Our 2006 coach had Ultraleather as does our new 2012. There seems to be a difference in the actual coverings, and I think the later model coverings are better.

We had an awful time with cat claw pricks in the 2006 and are not having that problem in the 2012, not that the little boogers couldn't hang a claw if they wanted to.

If you have pets traveling with you, and even if you don't, the cleanup is much easier, as others have noted.

My coverings seem to breathe well in the summer and again, the newer coverings are much more comfortable driving than the old ones were, especially in the summer.


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