Unbelievable Showerhead

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New member
Jul 14, 2005
Sorry if someone already mentioned this, but two months ago, I purchased an Oxygenics showerhead from Bed Bath & Beyond because it said it would work in RVs, give an unbelievable strong shower, and still conserve water.  I was hesistant to believe these facts, but I'd be a monkey's uncle if it wasn't the truth.  Just a tip for those out there with horrible showers, check it out!!! 

I could have sworn that I read about the Oxygenics shower head on this forum during the last few days.  In fact, it was after reading about it that I decided to buy one and give it a try.

I wanted to post that I found the installation a snap and that the shower head performs as advertised, turning a medium low water pressure into a strong flow (with a lower volume), but my search of the forum using "oxygenics shower head" turned up only this response, so here it is.

I too have one and I love it !!

I got mine at Camping World though. Every once in a while they put them on sale so I picked one up. It's AWESOME !!
I discovered the oxygenics shower heads at a KOA in Red Lodge Montana....I am blind as a bat without my contacts, but it was such a great shower that I went back later and asked the manager about what brand it was. Bought 2 for my parents whose old house has restricted pipes, and 2 for my house and surely am glad to know that they can be used in an RV.....I will order one asap! Best price I found on line 3 years ago was about 15 dollars.
There seems to be quite a few models of Oxygenics showerheads.  Which specific model numbers are best with RVs?
I ordered my oxygenics directly from the manufacturer. The website http://www.oxygenics.com/showers.html has all of the showerheads that they make as well as the prices.
gmsboss1 said:
I could have sworn that I read about the Oxygenics shower head on this forum during the last few days.  In fact, it was after reading about it that I decided to buy one and give it a try.

I wanted to post that I found the installation a snap and that the shower head performs as advertised, turning a medium low water pressure into a strong flow (with a lower volume), but my search of the forum using "oxygenics shower head" turned up only this response, so here it is.


I talked about it many months ago.  I liked the one I bought for the RV so much, I purchased the home version for our home shower, too.  I think Pancake Bill bought one at the time, too.  Unfortunately, the current forum search routine won't pick up old posts.
[quote author=KodiakRV]... the current forum search routine won't pick up old posts.[/quote]

Here you go Frank; I suspect you were looking for this message.

Found it using the current forum search feature  ;)
Thanks, Tom!  :-[

If time flies when you're having fun, then I guess a "many months" = 16.  :D

I simply used 'shower head' without the quotes.
Yes, I bought one at that time, still love it.  Only complaint I have is the twist ring to turn off.  Hard to grip with soapy hands.  Be nice to have better leverage. 
I bought an <a href="http://www.showerfilterstore.com">oxygenics</a> head with a filter attached to it to remove the chlorine from showerfilterstore.com and I love it. The pressure is great and it got rid of my dry skin.
Nobody disputes that it is a great device, however there is a serious design error.  The ring that connects the wand holder to the water pipe ( where original shower head was removed) is made of plastic.  It the shower head/wand is left in the holder for a conventional shower it droops like a wet noodle.  The natural reaction is to tighten the ring........ but being plastic it breaks. 

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