Unfamiliar Manufacturer

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New member
Feb 22, 2013
Do any of you experienced RVers have any first-hand knowledge of the Coach House brand?  Ran across the name in trying to gather all possible information for the possible purchase of either a class B or smaller class C.  Any & all help appreciated.
Don't have first hand knowledge, but the Coach House Platinum is one of the highest rated class C's out there.
Kinda pricy but they retain their value very well.
They are marketed as a high end product. Interiors floor plans and decor are unique, whether that is good or bad is a personal thing. I only looked at used and the prices were so high that it was never a serious thought. Also there were several for sale and none of them sold in about a 6 month time period.
You may draw more response if you edit the subject line of your post to say something like "Unfamiliar Manufacturer -- Coach House."
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