Unknown fuse block. Maybe Ford???

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New member
Nov 24, 2011
My 1995 National RV Dolphin Diesel has a problem with the fuse block or related wiring.  Even though my MH is on an Oshkosh (no longer in business as everybody knows.) chassis, there are Ford parts, i.e. steering wheel, cruise control unit, turn signal and others. Anybody recognize this fuse block? I assume (Don't like that word much.) it may be a Ford part, but not sure.  Any help would be much appreciated. Hope to get this fixed before the spring and summer RV'ing season.


  • fuse block 1.jpg
    fuse block 1.jpg
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What seems to be the problem?  There usually isn't a problem with what used to be called the "bulkhead disconnect".  Really nothing more than getting the outside wiring into the interior of the vehicle.  Not much there to have a problem with.  More info needed.
I see no particular evidence that it is a Ford part - probably just a component Oshkosh picked up from a supplier. Maybe marine or heavy truck industry?  As Mark says, it doesn't look like it could have much go wrong with it except maybe corrosion on the connections. What's it for and what's the problem?

Oshkosh was taken over by Freightliner Custom Chassis. Give them a call and have the chassis Vin handy. They are pretty good about helping out with this sort of thing, assuming it is really a chassis part and not from National RV.
Your fuse panel with the turn signal flasher mounted in the corner is a classic example of a Ford designed fuse panel. It looks very similar to the fuse panel in my 1995 Ford gas chassis, only larger. As you already noted, Ford did provide a lot of components to Oshkosh. Oshkosh was absorbed by Freightliner and many Oshkosh parts can be purchased from Freightliner.

Thanks for the replies. The problem is that something happened to the circuit for the clutch on the air conditioner compressor (which has been repaired) and it fried the wire that connects to the fuse block and also fried the small connector that plugs into the fuse block. Worse, it fried that brass strip that's molded into the back of the F.B. I guess I'll have to cut the wire and and find a wire to connect it to at the back of the F.B. I was hoping to find another F.B. somewhere and try to repair mine.

That is a Ford Fuse box found in E series vans and chassis only set ups sent to body builders.They only came on the 14401 dash harness as an assembly check with a junk yard, used parts houses. 
FWIW...Does the FB have it's own part number?  I know a parts counter guy at a Ford dealership with connections (No pun intended!).  I might be able to help the OP out.  I will still try with the info available.  The problem I see so far is that the disconnect usually comes in two halves.  The firewall is sandwiched in between each half upon installation.  Which explains why each half is part of either the interior, or exterior, wiring harness.  I also know the wires can be removed from the FB with the proper tool to unlock them.  I own the tool.  Maybe either the burnt half, or the whole FB, is still available if you know where to look.

I thought it unusual that the AC clutch fried the wire into the FB.  The power feed to the clutch is usually fuse protected.  I'm thinking the primary problem is still lurking about.  And why didn't the repair facility (unless a DIY'er) didn't repair the disconnect also?
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