URGENT info needed for family in CRISIS

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New member
May 23, 2019
Hello all.  This post, I honestly believe, really is a life or death situation.
    I am new here and in desperate need of advice for purchasing a used R.V.  It is not for myself, it is for a mom and 2 kids, who I recently discovered have been living in their car,  parked at Walmart at night to sleep, and a park during the day, for almost 4 months now.  Ive went ahead and attached the details of their situation, in case anyone has questions. 
    The info I need is the best options, but not some kind of scam, to buy a decent cheap R.V.  The mom ( Her name is Julie),  has been saving up everything she can to buy an R.V of some kind, instead of renting another place to live,  she says so they can own their home, and no one can ever take away their home again.
    I know nothing about R.Vs.
But even less about how to not get scammed when purchasing a used one, from a google search.  I found really good deals,  on some websites that are Auctioning R.Vs, I dont know if its real? So, I need to find someone who has purchased an R.V this way.
And im hoping to find someone on here who knows other options for finding to good to be true deals, that are actually true. 
      Please, someone lead me in the right direction to find the best R.V we can, where she dont get scammed out of the only money she has, robbed, etc.  I need legitimate websites, that someone has experience with. How do I find estate sales?  And if anyone sees or HAS a good deal, please let me know.
We are in the Houston, Tx. area.  Ive seen where some auctions also have shipping? But again is that real? 
  Time is of the essence here,  like LIFE THREATNING, because it is May in Southeast Texas.  That means 100? weather is coming on us quickly now.  People die from the heat here all the time.  NO CHILD SHOULD BE HOMELESS IN AMERICA!
Thankyou for reading, and any info you may have.
Have a great weekend


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I understand there are organizations who can help her. What she needs is to get in touch with one of them. They can help her get a attorney to go after the jerk who abandoned her and his kids.
Purchasing an RV would probably be a serious mistake. They're expense to own and operate, and the logistics of obtaining basic necessities such as electricity, water and sewage are more difficult than most people realize.

As Rene mentioned, there are social service agencies with the expertise to properly assist with situations like this.
The logistics of owning an RV make this a really poor solution to her problem.
The profile of Paula Pancake as she is called shows her with 3 children but states she has 2. The go fund me page which is 7 months old states she is living in a shed in someones back yard not in her car anymore
My question is just how old is this supposed story
I agree with Social Service help.  Don't know where to start, call 211.  Many agencies will help her, especially towards larger cities.
Being in an RV would be better living quarters than a car, but still has many of the same problems - sleep in Walmart parking lots and days in the park. Plus what to do when the waste tanks are full (every couple days), more fresh water needed, batteries dead, etc. RVs cost more to operate too, and are hugely expensive to repair if you cannot DIY.

The perception that an RV is a cheap furnished house is wishful thinking and financially dangerous.
I'll chime in here and agree with the others - giving someone an RV without the means to support and maintain it will just cause a secondary crisis. Couple issues come up immediately - the electric bill for AC in West Texas in the summer will run upwards of $150 or more. Site rent in a modest park will likely be at least $300+. Can this single mother afford the service fees for a mobile mechanic when things break? (And believe me, things will break.)

Your motivations are commendable, but buying an RV is not a solution.
As mentioned above, RV's are not cheap, unless she has a place to legally park it, perhaps at a relatives house, they are poorly insulated so electric bills will be higher than an apartment, and even low end commercial RV parks will be in the $300 per month range in the greater Houston area.  Combine these and you are in apartment rent price range.

Having said all that if I were looking in Houston, I would say go to PPL on the southside by beltway 8, they are a consignment dealer.  Though when buying any RV condition is everything, any signs of roof leaks run away, hidden wood rot in the roof and walls is one of the prime killers of RV's. 
I agree with others here. It would be better to live in a cheap apartment than to try to live "cheap in an rv". Unless you want to live in Slab City California, and I think we all know how that goes.... :-\
I just noticed the reference to 100 degree weather.  Where is this Mom going to plug in the RV to use the a/c?  If she could afford an RV site with electricity, she could probably rent an el cheapo motel room by the month and have heat & a/c, running water and fresh linen as needed. Probably a microwave and mini-fridge in the room as well.
Sorry to have to agree with the others regarding a RV....It just not a good solution.

Here are some links to websites that maybe able to help


And of course others have mentioned other ideas that could help. The process may take time so it needs to be started now.
Another issue that that there are so many homeless living in trailers or old RVs parked along streets that city governments are towing them.  When this happens, people lose their clothing and belongings.

A big reason why cities and governmental agencies are towing such vehicles are the sanitation issues and ability to fill water tanks and propane. 

I also suspect this is a very old scam, but in any case, living in a trailer when you do not have the ability to tow it or park in a real campground is a very bad idea.
Im going to address everyones replies later this evening when I have more time. But right now quickly, id like to ask,  How does asking a group of people who know about R.Vs, where to buy an R.V,  and if the online auction Websites are real, benifit me? What on earth am I scamming someone out of?  Information?  These replies are unreal, and everyone is assuming  she has no job, she cant afford to pay an R.V lot, or the bills.  Assumptions people make are a big reason why this country allows ppl to go hungry.
This post was asking for referrals to legitamate websites that sell RVs cheap. Not 1 time was anything said about asking for money, or, anything of value.  If you re read you will see where I said,  she already saved up the money.  Only 1 person actually replied with the name of a place. 
Sorry if you took offense, but the replies were spot on. You admitted that you know nothing about RVs. Well, we do. As someone who has been doing this for decades, I will repeat my comment that purchasing an RV would be a serious mistake.

You can accept that assertion or ignore it. It's all the same to me.
My reply will be the same also. If you think someone is going to live cheap in an RV that is not realistic. Especially for someone who has little or no experience at it. Just trying to keep someone from getting in over their head.
I said nothing about suspecting a scam, I just don't feel it is economically viable for most people.

You have stated that she is in the Houston area, making the assumption that something is tying her to the area, then renting an apartment likely makes MUCH more sense.  A quick google search shows numerous 700 sq ft 1 bedroom apartments in the greater Houston area renting for under $700 per month, I suspect if one were to lower their standards a bit, something could be found for under $500 per month.  A cheaper basic RV park in the greater Houston area (baytown, etc.) will typically charge $400 per month, plus electricity (often billed out using sub-metering at a higher rate than the electric company has).  Add in the cost of even an older travel trailer (lets say $4,000), the higher cost to heat and cool, maintenance, etc.  and that $700 per month 700 sq ft apartment starts looking very attractive, even more so if you can find one in the $500 range.  Keep in mind a 30 ft long travel trailer with no slides, equals to about 240 sq feet.
If she's going to live (illegally, btw) in an RV on the streets, she should move to CA. the laws are unenforced here. She can join the army of homeless people up and down the streets in all the worst parts of town. Tx will not put up with that.

If she wants to help her child she should contact any of a dozen government agencies who will assist.
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