Vegas to Reno, Rt 95?

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2016
North central Florida
Greetings!  We?re planning our first swing through the Western states and are thinking about running up to Reno from the Grand Canyon/ Las Vegas area. Never having driven through the area, we?re wondering if Rt 95 is ?RV friendly?, or should we look for a different route. We?re pulling a 30? TT that weighs around 6200 lbs packed for a trip, and would likely be  on that leg of our trip the last couple of weeks in April. Any input and/or advice will be much appreciated!  Thanks in advance.....
I agree 95 is fine.

There are not a lot of gas stations (with cheap fuel or RV friendly) along the way so fill up in Vegas and you will have no
problem making it to Reno.

Just be careful as (if I remember right) there are some small towns on the route and they
like to lower the speed limit with very little warning and some have cameras to photo your plate and
then send you a ticket and a bill.  IMO it's a money maker for them as if they were really concerned
about safety when going through their town they would give you plenty of advanced warning about
slowing down - but you probably have to hit your brakes to slow down enough before you hit their sign
with the camera - because it's a money maker.

Other than that you should be fine.
I have lived in both Las Vegas and Reno and driven between them many times. If it were up to me I would take 395 instead. I agree 95 is just fine however 395 is way prettier. It does have a few passes of 8000 feet but it would be no problem in an RV. 95 is a very boring road without much scenery. 395 passes right by Mount Whitney, the tallest mountain in the lower 48.
Red & Silver there are no traffic law enforcement cameras in Nevada, but for safety sake just slow down going thru the small towns.  There might be in the future as Nv senate is trying to get a law passed to allow them. 

We live 1/2 mile from 95 and use it all the time, very good condition.  Fuel in Fallon & Fernley is much lower priced then Reno/Sparks, especially at the truck stops in Fernley.  For gas filling Loves is easier to use than Pilot.
Dick nvrver 
nvrver said:
Red & Silver there are no traffic cameras in Nevada, but for safety sake just slow down going thru the small towns.
There might be in the future as Nv senate is trying to get a law passed to allow them. 

We live 1/2 mile from 95 and use it all the time, very good condition.  Fuel in Fallon & Fernley is much lower priced then Reno/Sparks, especially at the truck stops in
Fernley.  For gas filling Loves is easier to use than Pilot.  Dick nvrver

Well I haven't been there for a few years - so I could be wrong but I thought I remembered them say "Photo Enforced"  :eek:
All I know for sure is when I saw the sign to slow down I clicked off my cruise (in a car not a MH) and it was such a short distance
that I would be going over the speed limit if I didn't tap the brakes to slow down more.

Point is just be aware that the little towns - APPEAR to make money off of speeders if your not paying attention.

I looked on a map and it seems like 95 would be a little shorter route and that is what the OP was asking about, so boring or not
I would take the shorter route and save some fuel but that's just me.
There did seem to be any type of direct road to get you to 395.
In my case I only drive 55-58 most of the time, so diving on a rode that's 55 is probably better then driving in a 70 zone
at only 55-58 anyways so I would probably still us 95 if I was going from Las Vegas to Reno today.

But now the OP has an option if he so chooses to .......
Yes, 395 is about 20 miles longer than 95 but worth it in my book. The best way to get to 395 from Las Vegas is to drive through Death Valley, which is a very beautiful place. You also get to visit Mono Lake which is awesome.
Thank you all for the comments and advice!  A friend, also an RV?er, had also suggested 395 for the views along the way. Then he casually mentioned that his folks had hit an outcropping along a tight section of that route knocking a big hole in the right front corner of their coach. Ouch!  I would just as soon take the scenic route, but we?re also concerned about the weather up in the passes when we anticipate being there (the last couple of weeks of April).  We appreciate all your insights and looks forward to anything else you care to add.
We use US 95 all the time going between LV and Reno.  It's a good road.  Yes, slow down for speed traps in the small towns.  Get fuel in Fernley and Las Vegas.

Now the other side of the story.  People mentioned boring.  It's that "boring-ness" that can be your undoing.  US 95 is two lanes most of the time.  You have to be alert because other drivers get behind someone slower and do some really stupid things.  The most common mistake is pulling out to pass and not checking carefully enough, misjudging closeness of oncoming traffic, or not passing fast enough.  Another thing people do is that one car pulls out to pass, and then another, and then another and those following do not know they don't have adequate room to pass.  They're like sheep following the leader and not being smart.  And most of the time there aren't wide shoulders so there's no veer-off space if trying to avoid a head-on collision.  Use your headlights for better visibility and pay attention.

Like I said, US 95 is a good road but you really have to be aware of other traffic.

because other drivers get behind someone slower and do some really stupid things.  The most common mistake is pulling out to pass and not checking carefully enough, misjudging closeness of oncoming traffic, or not passing fast enough.

Apparently, perhaps because there are so many 4+ lane highways these days, so many folks no longer know how to pass safely. Like you, I see these things too often. Thankfully my Dad taught me even before I had a license, just a permit.
What is not mentioned about 395 is how to get there from Vegas.  I drive 95 3-4 times a year in my MH.  No problem.  Agreed that 395 is a more scenic drive but to get there you have to either go down to hwy 58 in Barstow OR go thru death valley which is one heck of a long climb from Furnace creek.
Patnsuzanne said:
Greetings!  We?re planning our first swing through the Western states and are thinking about running up to Reno from the Grand Canyon/ Las Vegas area. Never having driven through the area, we?re wondering if Rt 95 is ?RV friendly?, or should we look for a different route. We?re pulling a 30? TT that weighs around 6200 lbs packed for a trip, and would likely be  on that leg of our trip the last couple of weeks in April. Any input and/or advice will be much appreciated!  Thanks in advance.....
Depends on the weather. It's snowing lightly right now here in Reno. But this should be the end of it for at least several days.

But if the weather is okay, 95 is a good way to get to Reno from Lost Wages. And if it is snowing, all the roads up here will most likely have the same problems (chain control or whatever) somewhere on the way here.

I hope you enjoy desert! And very cold wet weather. This is the coldest wettest February in Reno that  I can remember.

-Don-  Reno, NV
SeilerBird said:
Yes, 395 is about 20 miles longer than 95 but worth it in my book. The best way to get to 395 from Las Vegas is to drive through Death Valley, which is a very beautiful place. You also get to visit Mono Lake which is awesome.

I am curious as to what route to US395 is only 20 miles different that US95 from Vegas to Reno? I have taken both ways and I calculate about 120 miles longer using US395.
dkreuzen said:
I am curious as to what route to US395 is only 20 miles different that US95 from Vegas to Reno? I have taken both ways and I calculate about 120 miles longer using US395.

Google Maps says it's 32 miles longer using US395 and an hour longer in driving time.
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