Wallpaper Border Glue Removal

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Dec 28, 2012
St. Augustine, Florida
Ok, I wanted to remove the border in the kitchen and after searching the forum and after reading all the post it seemed like an easy task using a blow dryer to remove. Well, used the blow dryer and it came off easy enough but left all the glue on the wall. Anyone have any experience on removing the glue without destroying the wall finish? I am not sure if goof off will harm the wall. I have already tried Dawn, adhesive remover and alcohol. It did not get it all off and I am afraid to rub to hard because I don't want to cause any damage.  Any suggestions?

Lots of experience.  None of it good.  Tried Goo Gone,  it stripped the color from the wall.  Tried Goofoff, Nothing.  Alcohol did not touch anything either.  Lacquer thinner was mostly a waste.  Finally just gave up and kept wiping with lacquer thinner until I got most of it off.  Quart of Kilz primer and a quart of top quality paint and my bathroom is again looking nice.  I originally wanted to strip all the border paper off, but after my experiment in the bathroom I decided to leave it alone.
Would it be any different than removing the glue from sheet rocked walls?

If you can use really hot, soapy water without harming the wall, I'd try that. We've removed a lot of wall paper using that method, but not on these types of walls.

Found that (3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner) worked great.  Causion Flammable as with any such products !!
Vapor is harmful so open all windows doors fans etc. Later I cleaned with warm water than later vinegar. Use also to take off those store price tags that leave a residue!

Good Luck
I know Lowe's and probably other home supply stores sell wallpaper remover that worked for us. I believe it was ZEP brand
beachbumd said:
WD40 will remove the adhesive or GooGone.

WD40 did not touch mine and GooGone actually took the color off my walls making them all white.    In other words, neither will do a thing for the adhesive they used on the walls without making a bigger mess.  What I ended up doing is paint thinner and lacquer thinner in alternating applications.  Followed by a good scrubbing, priming and painting.
We went through this process last fall. Our wallpaper/border was peeling and faded so we wanted to remove it. We found the Krud Kutter Ultra Power Remover to work the best. Trust me, we tried a lot of chemicals! Like you say, some removed the paint from the wallboard. Not the white main color but the accent color for lack of better term. Even with the Krud Kutter, it took a lot of elbow grease as well. Good luck.

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