Washington DC 495/95 route

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2011
We are leaving Pennsylvania tomorrow morning  (Saturday) we are on our way to Prince William forest campground in Virginia, we plan on taking the 495E/95S route around Wash D.C. is this the best way to go around Washington DC?  Or, is it better to take the 495W route.  Anyone out there that has any advice please let me know.  We have a 36ft Motorhome with a tow vehichle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure it will matter much on the weekend. You do know that you can not take any propane through any of the Baltimore tunnels? You will have to take 695 around Baltimore. West is longer, East has a toll bridge.

I do not like the interstates and particulrly not the Baltimore/Washington area. I generally take US-301 from South of Wilmington, DE to I-95 South of DC. You go through some small towns and there are stop lights, but not the highspeed weaving in and out traffic of the interstates. To get to Prince William Forest you would follow US-50 after crossing the Bay Bridge at Annapolis on US-301/50 and then take the I-695 beltway to I-95
No easy way around The Baltimore/DC area. I do it often. Just take your time, put a little Sinatra on and you'll get there.
Thanks for all the info,we decided to take 695 around Baltimore and the 495E/95S around D.C. it was no problem at all. I actually think that driving around the L.A. area is much worse, No matter when you travel.  Now we need to figure out the Metro Rail system into D.C.

Thanks again.
Do not know where you are starting from, but 15 south from Harrisburg or Gettysburg to 50 east. Not sure of your destination but you will never see 95 or 495 you will go over 495.

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