Water Heater Problem

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2018
Miami Florida
My friend has a 2017 Sunset trail super lite 200RD TT were having a problem that the water heater works great with propane but its not working when plugged in to the electricity any input will be greatly appreciated
First, what brand and model is the WH?

There may be a switch on the heater, accessible from the outside cover, left side.  If it is on, then most likely, it is a bad electric element.  Check if there is 120V to the element.  If yes, turn off the power and check ohms across the heater.  The elements are NOT RV specific, and available from most hardware, big box and plumbing supply stores.  Mine cost $10, plus the element wrench.
You will need a circuit board replaced. Amazon has them. Original Atwood boards are failing all the time lately. Replacements are good.
The advise to replace the board is a bit early on. And if you do Dinosaur borades is my recommendation.

Most Surburan models the 120 and Propane systems are independent. Different thermostats. Different ECo's and a switch which is often in an odd spot to select.

Most (if not all) Atwoods have a single theromostat pair and control board.

Both have an ELECTRIC heat element (Atwood's have a relay that controls it, Do not know about Surburan as I've never worked on one).

THe relay can fail (I have a 13 year old spare. nothing wong with it but I got a new one with my net tank) and I have a spare 1500 Watt element. actually 2 one used one new (I use a 375 watt so I don't trip as many 30 amp breakers).

Either the Relay or the Element or the connections can be bad. Or the circuit breaker tripped or the connections there bad.. Have not ever experienced a bad element or relay on my RV (Did repladce an element or two on the Milkhouse water heater back in my cowboy days)  but I have had bad connections, several. in the breaker box.  And a few in other places as well.

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