Water heats for 30 seconds only

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New member
Aug 2, 2018
We installed a hybrid kit in our 6gl Atwood and the water is hot for 30 seconds then cold until we turn the faucets off wait a few minutes then it?s hit for 30 sec again. What time s wring?
Not sure what you mean by a "hybrid kit".  An add on electric heat element?  Heater bypass plumbing?  Please explain further.

Typically when the faucets deliver hot water briefly and then goes back to cool, the problem is either a heater bypass valve open or a secondary faucet has both hot and cold taps open, allowing hot & cold to  mix.  The latter occurs often when an external shower or spray faucet is left on (hot & cold taps open) but the flow is shut off at the spray head.
Another possibility is a long run between the hot water tank and the faucet that you are using. In our unit, the plumbing runs beside a furnace air duct. That portion gets warm quite quickly. But the rest of the line remains cold. If you run the faucet for an extended period, does it get warm again? If so, then possibly everything is normal.
Gary.. I saw this same post in another forum community.. your answer.. Darn near a carbon copy of mine.. 

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