water overflow or flooding alarm

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
North Florida
This idea actually hatched from my Sea Ray boat. While overnighting out in the Gulf of Mexico, I had a fresh water tank split and dump 32 gallons of water in the bilge. I realized what happened when there was no fresh water in the morning. The bilge alarm had not worked like advertised. This could have been a lot worse if a sea cock had let go while we were sleeping and no alarm sounded. We would have been "sleeping with the fish" to quote the God Father movie. I needed backup alarms like the fire and monoxide devices.

OK enough history.... In researching water alarms I found harbor freight had a couple of cheapies for backup after I replaced the expensive bilge alarm.


I purchased several of the 10 dollar alarms and added them to the boat, home, hangar and the Winnie. On the RV, one is placed by the Fresh water tank & pump, one under the sink, one in the potty area, one in the roof AC (in case the pan overflows as has happened when I did not keep it clean) and just for grins, one in the cab-over corner where a leak has happened in the past.

I placed the the alarm boxes out of the way and run the sensor & wire out of sight. You can test each alarm with a drop of water then shake out the wet stuff. In the boat I cut the sensor wire to feed through a bulkhead then spliced it back together. works just great.

The little 10 dollar bugger saved me a lot of trouble when the home air conditioner condensate line clogged and overflowed. The alarm worked flawlessly, giving me time to turn off the AC and blow out the drain line. No carpet damage what so ever.

Every January I replace batteries in all alarms for boat, RV, Shop, Hangar and Home. I should buy stock in Duracell.

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