Water valve connections

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New member
Nov 29, 2018
Trying to find a picture of a water convenience center ball valve connections under the cabinet. I have a 2003 Santara with a Fill, Use and Winterize valve system.
I'm not familiar with your rig, but the Fill/Use valve is either a simple shut-off ball valve or a "diverter" type that has one inlet and two outlets.  Depends on hw the rig is plumbed.  The Winterize valve is usually a separate diverter-type, located in the pump intake hose and selecting from either the fresh tank or a external "winterize" inlet hose.  Do you have separate handles/valves for Winterize vs Fill/Use, or is it all in one somehow?

I can't find a picture or diagram that shows both, but here is a typical "winterize valve" layout:

The Fill/Use valve simply opens a tube that lets water bypass the pump and flow into the fresh tank. It can be plumbed with a tee to the pump inlet hose, or may have its own hose direct to the tank.
jackmarison93 said:
Trying to find a picture of a water convenience center ball valve connections under the cabinet. I have a 2003 Santara with a Fill, Use and Winterize valve system.
I believe you mean the "water heater bypass" valves.
Here is a link to a drawing of one type: https://assets-cdn-interactrv.netdna-ssl.com/fretzrv/images/bypass.jpg,qmodified=0324201819513209.pagespeed.ce.sSzfs9wIF_.jpg
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