Nero gives you a choice of every sound input device you have..... What is a wave mapper
This question might better be asked in the proper forum... And to be totally honest I'm not sure which one that is so start with pchardware
However, your computer's sound system includes many options... one is MIDI (or rather what Windows calls Midi) MIDI, the Real MIDI, is Musical Insturment Digital Interface... Computer MIDI is simular, but not exactly, the same tihng.
A MIDI file consists of groups of 2, 3 or 4 numbers, 1: Note, 2: Duration, 3: Veloicty, 4: Channel (Voice)
Note corrosponds to a key on a keyboard synth, Duration, is how long to sound the note, Velocity is how fast you press said virtual key, and channel, (voice) is which of a dozen or so channels you wish to send it down. There are also groupings to command the device at the other end to change voices, increase/decrease volume and slur or bend a note (Bending refers to pulling it up or down) and to controll other features of the music.
The Wave Mapper is, in this case, the digital synth. It takes all the MIDI requests and translates them from MIDI numbers to WAVE signals which are then sent on to the sound card
For the record, 20 years ago I wrote some MIDI software for a different computer.... What I remember about it today is more or less in the large paragraph above