WD Hitches... Please put my wife's worries to rest.

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May 11, 2019
Liberal, MO
We have a weight distribution hitch (Husky with the 800 lb bars that rest on ledges on the trailer tongue) and it freaks her out when it occasionally bangs and creaks as we turn or go down uneven roads. I tell her this is normal but she doesn't trust me.  She doesn't know why they would make equipment that would make those kinds of noises. 

Am I right?  Are the noises normal?  :))

Or is she right?  :eek:

The dealership installed the WD hitch.  It looks and acts right to me.

Is the trailer level when going down the road?
Is the truck close to it's normal stance when connect to the trailer?

If yes them you are setup correctly.

And yes it does make some noise when make turns.

I also have the Husky and it does have a couple spots where you can apply some grease to lessen the friction.

WD Hitches are like a Politician...If there working they like to make a lot of noise so people notice ;D ;D
Gizmo is 100% correct the torque on the bars causes them to creek occasionally and while it sounds unnerving its totally normal espically on uneven ground
Normal. My trailers did it too. 

I live on a corner and see....hear it all the time when neighbors go around the corner pulling their trailers. Some are REALLY loud.
Totally normal. The system works on friction, so it makes noise as things rub. On our Equilizer system, we couldn?t use lube, so we just got used to it.
Our WDH is not super loud, but our friction sway control set-up sounds like a Blue Whale when we turn a corner.  We laugh sometimes.
Welcome to the Forum!

First, the noise is quite normal.  Worry if it is not squeaking!

Second, if the dealer set up the hitch, you may want to check the setup.  They set it up for the empty camper.  It may need adjusted after getting packed for a trip.  Besides, dealers may not get it right to start with - and they are NOT riding with you!  You would be wise to recheck the setup per the instruction / setup manual.  Check YouTube for helpful videos as well.
Gizmo100 said:
WD Hitches are like a Politician...If there working they like to make a lot of noise so people notice ;D ;D

A great adage.  Love it.  And your signature is awesome too.  Thanks for the assurance.
grashley said:
If the dealer set up the hitch, you may want to check the setup.  They set it up for the empty camper.  It may need adjusted after getting packed for a trip.  Besides, dealers may not get it right to start with - and they are NOT riding with you!  You would be wise to recheck the setup per the instruction / setup manual.  Check YouTube for helpful videos as well.

Good advice.  I will check it.
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