WD40 for insect control

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
Southern California
I just saw this on the Net.  WD40 sprayed directly on an insect or spider will kill it instantly.  Suggest spraying windowsills and frames, screens and door frames.  Other interesting uses; spray under eves and keep wasps from building nests, spray on top of a bird feeder and the squirrels will slide right off.  There are 13 uses in the article which is here:  http://www.rd.com/slideshows/13-amazing-uses-for-wd-40/?trkid=outbrain-all#slideshow=slide1
Hey Gary thanks for the interesting read.  I might ad that if one uses a toothbrush to  clean dog poo off a sneaker to be sure and throw out the toothbrush!  ;D
Betty Brewer said:
Hey Gary thanks for the interesting read.  I might ad that if one uses a toothbrush to  clean dog poo off a sneaker to be sure and throw out the toothbrush!  ;D

I have to wonder if there is really anybody in this world that would need to be reminded of that?  Could it be possible?
Betty Brewer said:
Hey Gary thanks for the interesting read.  I might ad that if one uses a toothbrush to  clean dog poo off a sneaker to be sure and throw out the toothbrush!  ;D

And now... the rest of the story?
Just Lou said:
And now... the rest of the story?

No story really.  I just noted how many  cautions the article gave WD40 users and added one of my own.  I frequently use  old toothbrushes for cleaning things, like tile grout, and I almost never throw them out.  But for poo, I would.  It must be a slow morning for me!
WARNING   WD40 is toxic.  If you have pets you may want to consider other options. 

Betty, thank you for your words of wisdom. 
garyb1st said:
WARNING WD40 is toxic.  If you have pets you may want to consider other options. 

WARNING #2  Wd-40 is a lubricant and a pretty efficient one at that.  The fall out from a spray that settles to a floor creates a really serious fall hazard.  I have seen, and experienced a number of incidents that have envolved bad falls from spray lubricants on the floor.
worthless info from CJ...
:) :)WD40 makes an excellent starting fluid.  If your mower will not start, give it a ''sniff'' of WD40 and if it is going to run, it will run now. 
Ten cents for this info.  Pay me when you see me.....cj
Support our troops ....cj
About the toothbrush...throwing it away depends on whether it is your toothbrush or the wife's. ::)
My brother used to spray WD40 on the dog's bare spots. He swore it healed him up and he also ran faster without squeaking. ;D
On my old VW, I would spray WD on the ignition when we got into a rainstorm. Once though it blew the distributor cap off.
We just used WD 40 to  fix a door latch closer.  Now  door closes just as it was intended .  Now I will wipe up floor too.  Thanks Carl.

Yes it was  DH who wondered about "his" toothbrush!
A strong solution of a low foaming soap, laundry detergent or the like, in a squirt bottle is a great insect, and wasp killer. I live in Florida so I've had plenty of opportunities to test the results. Just be sure to wipe up over spray from hard floors so there are no slips or falls. The up side is you floor gets cleaned.

Happy Camping, Tom
Water Displacement 40th try.... Zero lubricants.

dan2 said:
Water Displacement 40th try.... Zero lubricants.

Hmmmm!  Wonder how it knew to take the squeak out of my (dry) door hinge?

I think we rode this ride the last time the midway came to town.
Seajay said:
worthless info from CJ...
:) :)WD40 makes an excellent starting fluid.  If your mower will not start, give it a ''sniff'' of WD40 and if it is going to run, it will run now. 
Ten cents for this info.  Pay me when you see me.....cj
Support our troops ....cj

I've heard it works also on diesel engines as well. Never tried it though.  :p
Don't use it on electrical components, the results can be entertaining as catblaster discovered. I have heard it can be an effective treatment for arthritic joints.
I guess I should have said zero rust inhibitors....I like rust inhibitors in lubricants i use on my coach :)

RoyM said:
Don't use it on electrical components, the results can be entertaining as catblaster discovered. I have heard it can be an effective treatment for arthritic joints.

It hasn't helped mine yet -- can't figure out how to get it inside onto the worn parts...  ::) ;D
Carl, my mother was severely injured after a wheelchair was sprayed with WD-40 in a hallway of the nursing home where she worked. She was walking fast down the hall, hit the spot where it landed and slid and fell hard on her hip. It "hits the floor" underneath where you are spraying it, because it's a heavy lubricant. To keep bugs down in our home and trailer, I set off a D-con fogger. Just one, and it works for about a month, keeping out insects.

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