We are more newbies! Allow us to introduce ourselves.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Active member
Nov 20, 2005
Hi all.? We are Roger & Phyl.? We read this forum and decided to join because of our renewed interest in RVing.? Seems like a lot of great information here and a whole lot of experience.? Just what we need to choose a new pickup and? 5th wheel, plus meet more friends who love RVing as much as we do.? Got lots of questions, so hope we don't overload our welcome!

My next post will be to explain what we want to do, where, and with what.  Our RVing will be with a 5th Wheel, boat, and pickup or other hauler.  Where would be the best place on this forum to ask questions about what RV and pickup?

Thanks and nice to be here.  Looking forward to meeting fellow RVers both here and on the trail!
Hi Roger and Phyl, welcome to our friendly forum.

waterdog said:
Got lots of questions, so hope we don't overload our welcome!

Ask away. There are enough folks here to hopefully get your questions answered and no fear of wearing out the welcome mat. Don't worry too much about where to post your questions; Just pick what looks like the most appropriate message board for the respective question (e.g. The Trailer board for issues specific to the RV; Towing and towables for towing/truck/hitch type questions; Tech topics for, well, tech topics.) If we think a question might get a better chance of being answered on a different message board, one of the forum staff will move it.
Hi Roger and Phyl,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  Looks like Tom has provided the information as to where to post your question.  Please ask any questions you have as I am sure you will get the answers you are looking for.
Thanks to you, too, Ron.  I have just posted my first question on the 5th Wheel forum.  I will look forward to seeing some responses.  Rog
I am a new mwmber here and I wanted to let others know .? ;D? I don't usually post, but I would like to be a good member here and try to contribute something.? ::)
? ?I am currently fulltiming in a 2002 Affinity 45' triple slide ;D and my toad is a 2002 Nissan 350 Z.
Have been living all over the U.S. and having a lot of fun.? :p Doing this for going on 4 yrs; wouldn't want it any other way.
Hi Studmuffin and welcome. Appreciate your introduction and your intent to contribute. Feel free to discuss any of your travels and upload a few photos that might be of interest to others.

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