We Have Returned

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Apr 22, 2005
Vancouver, WA
We were active in the old forum in February while in process of choosing/purchasing our '05 Winnebago Journey.? ?But we got so absorbed in managing that process and some ensuing warranty problems that showed up immediately (plus life in the form of family and work) that we completely missed the move of the forume.

Frankly, we haven't had much positive to talk about since our purchase on February 27th.? ?We are to a point now where we are willing to talk about it and solicite feeback/insight from others.? A posting in the appropriate forum will follow.

Hopefully soon we'll be on the road (and telecommuting).
Welcome back Jon and Vicki. Glad to see you here, and hope you'll become regular participants.
Jon and Vicki,

Welcome back and we are glad you found us here.  Sorry to hear you have issues with the new coach.  Hopefully it will get taken care of in the near furture.

Jon and Vicki,

Glad you came over to the new RV Forum!? Sometimes it takes a few months to correct all the "issues" in an RV.? The best approach is to maintain a list and work with your dealer or service tech to get them resolved one at a time.

Anyone interested in joining the discussion on the specific issues with your coach? ? Click Here

Hope you enjoy the new Forum!? Let us know if you need assistance with any of the Forum navigation features.
Jon & Vicki
Congratulations on you new rig.  One thing we learned after the fact is that all problems should be reported to the factory customer relations dept. and even things you may suspect might have a problem because if it shows up after a year the company will usually repair it if it has been reported.  We had an intermittent problem with our back up camera the first year and it was never reported to the factory customer relations dept. so the company wouldn't do anything about it.  However, last year it failed completely and we were able to replace both camera and monitor under the extended warranty.  Happy travels
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