We may NEVER buy a new M/H

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"But, if I was that confident in both, I wouldn't need a pre-inspection or a 400 page checklist."

I am not sure I follow the logic there.? What I am trying to do is avoid what you just described as happening to you.?

And protect myself from any "false" confidence.?

If I follow your logic then it leads to the inescapable conclusion that all Mhs are junk and there is nothing a buyer can/should/ought to do to minimize problems down the road.? I am not quite ready to draw that conclusion and while I see cases of people who have had misfortune in their dealings; I also see plenty of cases of people who have successfully winded there way through the maze and come out the other end satisfied.? Up until today, I though you were one of those folks after reading many prior messages from you here.? It seemd to me you had a plan for dealing with each new surprise and did not let setbacks defeat you.

"Don't recall asking that question. Maybe it was someone else?"

Tom said to Smoky up above "From your prior comments, it sounds like you're prepared to hand over the check and drive away with a coach that may have problems before you leave the lot."

I was just responding to that comment.? I am indeed prepared to let most problems wait for the two week revisit, but if I uncover what I feel are "major" problems I will not hand over the check.? I really do not expect any major problems, but it can happen and sometimes does.

"BTW the dealer's process that you described sounds very good."

Well I am doing everything in my power to control the process and bring it to a good fruition.? I owe a ton to everyone here on the forum, for almost everything I have learned has come from all of you.

This whole process feels almost like I am trying to buy a Navy battleship with all its complex weapons systems, navigation systems, galley, utilities, living quarters, etc.? Not at all like buying a car. :eek:

Smokey, not every dealer is like the one Tom had, but there seems to be a lot of them out there. A lot of good ones also.  I have had good experience with my dealer.  I've had to have several problems fixed, but the relationship with the dealer and the dealer's efforts were more than satisfactory. with the preparation you have done you should be in fine shape. 

Smoky said:
What I am trying to do is avoid what you just described as happening to you.

I have no issue with that, and can't figure out why you'd think I do. In fact, I thought I'd been outwardly supportive of your efforts to get it right. I envy your patience in going to the extent you have, although I stand by my belief that you shouldn't have to do that. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.

If I follow your logic then it leads to the inescapable conclusion that all Mhs are junk and there is nothing a buyer can/should/ought to do to minimize problems down the road.

Not sure where you get that either. All I've said is that my dealer experience was not good. When we pulled into the first rest stop on our first trip, a guy knocked on the door of the coach, explained he recognized the dealer decals as the same place he bought his coach, and asked what I thought of my experience with the dealer. I said "I wouldn't buy another RV from them because ....", to which he replied "I've bought two from them, same experience, and I'll never buy another from them". Having had a similar experience with a boat dealer, I'm naturally going to be suspicious of any dealer who says "trust me".

As for the manufacturer, I've stated here numerous times that I've had nothing but very positive experiences with Monaco in dealing with the few problems that we had. My experience at their factory service center in IN was nothing short of very, very good, and it has been repeatedly reported as such on the forum. It's one of the contributing factors to me repeatedly saying I wouldn't go to a dealer for repairs.

As for the coach itself, I've said little here beyond what I reported in my lessons learned from our 10,000 miles shakedown cruise. I've told numerous folks in person, including folks at Moab last week, that I'm very happy with my coach. It's not a Prevost, doesn't have all the features I'd want if I ordered a new one today, but it suits our needs as part timers very well. We have a few appointments set up during August, one at the Monaco service center in Oregon to take care of a few warranty issues that have surfaced over the last 8 months, and two at Davis Cabinets to make the few changes we feel are needed to our coach interior. I fully expect to come away from those appointments a very happy camper.

Given the above, I'm at a loss to understand how you extrapolate what I've said into the "inescapable conclusion" quoted above.

It seemd to me you had a plan for dealing with each new surprise and did not let setbacks defeat you.

If I had a plan, there would be no surprises. I take things as they come and do my best to deal with them. I'm patient to a point, but the patience runs out very quickly with providers having low integrity or incompetence, or are non-responsive. Bad providers hate dealing with me because I won't go away and they feel a lot of pain, whereas good providers think I'm a great guy. Bad providers who turned around have thanked me for helping straighten them out. This is nothing new for me, either in my personal life or my professional life, and I can't imagine what you think changed as of today.

Sounds to me like you have it all under control.

I agree with you about trying to arrange to have the factory do as much as possible vs. dealers. especially after what i saw this week in Indiana.  I was pleased to see that Newmar has an extensive campground.  Well, lets say extensive lines of hookups.  I met several people who drove in with no notice and were easily accommodated for overnight, simply to take the tour.  They charge nothing for the service, though folks are expected to move on the next day unless they have further Newmar business.

BTW Bernie I drove past the Travel Supreme factory several times while going back and forth to Newmar.  A lovely factory site.

In July we will stop in Indiana again so the Admiral can take the tour.  I plan to also visit Travel Supreme on that trip.

Sounds like Newmar is a very good company.
Smoky said:
BTW Bernie I drove past the Travel Supreme factory several times while going back and forth to Newmar.  A lovely factory site.

In July we will stop in Indiana again so the Admiral can take the tour.  I plan to also visit Travel Supreme on that trip.

Do take the tour, it is a good one also. Not as packaged as Newmar's but very hands on.  TS has hookups also, but not for tours :D Also Monaco is right behind Travel Supreme to the SW. Driving south on IN 19 past Travel Supreme, if you turn right at the next stoplight you're at Monaco.

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